Chapter 24: Welcome Reception

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Later in that same evening, Xander had joined Kite in his room to get ready for the reception. They both managed to put together an outfit worthy of the nobility, thankful for Owen, who helped them pack for every occasion he could think of. Xander stood in front of Kite's mirror, tying the knot of his tie multiple times in an attempt to get it right.

Eventually, he gave up and took it off. Kite came over to Xander, taking the tie out of his hand, and placed it around Xander's neck.

"I'll do it for you." Kite flipped the longer, wider end to the side and twisted the parts together to form a knot. He slipped one inside the other, and pulled the knot up to Xander's neck.

Xander purposely wheezed, pushing the knot away from his neck. He loosened the tie slightly, letting it hang a little away from his collar. "If you wanted to touch me, you gotta buy me dinner first before-"

"Say another word, and I just might take you up on that offer." Kite raised his fists into a fighting stance, stepping away from Xander in the process.

They opened the door of the room, with Basilisk standing inches away from the door.

"Where did you come from?!" Xander yelled, jumping behind Kite.

"The estate?" Basilisk answered, confusion plastered over his face.

"Don't mind him, he's dumb. What he means is what are you doing here?" Kite pushed Xander away from him, stepping out into the hallway once Basilisk backed up from the door.

"I'm here to take you to the reception." Basilisk replied.

He ushered the two out of the guest house, and they walked to the main estate along the marbled pathway between the two buildings. Xander took in every moment of the scene before him, stepping over each marble stone with wonder and pulling on Kite's arm for attention on things that amused him. Kite paid little to no attention to him as he plainly followed Basilisk through the courtyard and halls of the estate to the reception room.

After arriving in the room, nobles and Silvers littered every corner. They grouped among each other, chatting about topics that seemed foreign to the two young men. Basilisk left them alone in the room, placing himself by the door.

Kite found his way to an open wall closest to the balcony in the room. He stared out into the courtyard, avoiding all contact with people. Xander, on the other hand, went to introduce himself to every person he could see. Some were met with quick hellos, others ignored him.

He came back to Kite's side, giving up after going around the room.

"Nobody will talk to me." Xander sighed defeatedly.

"Of course not, we are outsiders. What did you expect?" Kite replied, still looking out into the courtyard.

They were preoccupied with watching the scenes that interested each male the most, that they didn't notice Minerva had also come into the room. She situated herself to another wall, getting the same treatment as Xander from the nobles.

Just as the conversations were about to get more lively, Basilisk noticed Layla come straight down the hall to the room.

He cleared his throat and powered his voice as loud as possible. "May I have your attention, please. Lady Layla Azure has arrived."

Layla entered the room with Judah, Saber, and Summer following close behind. Each person, except Xander and Kite, bowed as soon as she stepped into the room.

Minerva tried to get the attention of Xander and Kite, pointing to herself and then to them to copy her movements.

Xander noticed her first, and then pulled Kite into a sloppy bow position. Kite grunted when he was suddenly pulled from behind, eyeing Xander then Minerva for the act.

"Thank you all for coming, you may rise." Layla announced to the group, who then received a drink from Basilisk. Everyone who had bowed in the room now stood normally again in their respective conversation groups.

She rose the glass high up above her head, "To a successful Council Selection."

"Please help yourself to the food and drinks laid out for you. The night is set aside for all of us to get to know each other." Judah guided the crowd's attention towards the table against the wall full of plates with food. Rows of dishes filled every corner of the table.

Layla tried her own drink, the tangy taste lingering on her tongue. She looked at the drink in her hand, taking another sip, then handed it over to Basilisk.

"Ready to talk to the other nobles?" Judah offered his arm to Layla.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Layla entwined her arm into Judah's, clasping her hands on top of each other.

They walked to the group closest to them, and began to talk about anything they could think of. Conversations filled the room again, being more lively than before.

Kite scoffed at the sight, turning his heels to face the balcony completely. He walked towards the ledge, hanging his arms over the side. Xander reluctantly followed him out. Both of them slightly leaning against the concrete railing.

They both stayed silent, overlooking the courtyard under them.

"Mind if I join you two?" A voice quietly said behind them.

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