Chapter 13: Shall We Dance?

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Summer continued brushing out Layla's hair for the night, while Basilisk and Saber were off collecting the rest of Layla's gifts. Judah, who had stayed behind to end the party, finished with wishing each noble a good night.

Coincidentally, the last of the gifts were in the arms of Basilisk and Saber. Judah waved for one of the nearby Silvers to bring a drink to him. At once, he received that drink and, just as quickly, he handed the empty glass back.

"Are those the last of her presents?" Judah asked, adjusting his collar and cape to a more comfortable position.

The two nodded, coming closer with boxes almost overflowing in their arms, and even obstructing their view, to walk with him back to Layla's room.

Basilisk headed out of the ballroom first, Saber following close behind. Judah waited for them to get slightly ahead before he also stepped out of the room.

The three slowly made their way to Layla's room. The estate was mostly silent now after the party, minus the light steps from their walking in the hallway. Basilisk and Saber did their best to keep the packages from shuffling too much in their arms, worry plastered on their faces as they navigated through each turn with care.

Back in the room, Summer and Layla were quick to start a conversation. Layla showed Summer the letter that Minerva had sent, along with the headband that was also in the envelope. She showed her all the details Minerva added this time around and they made sure to keep their voices as quiet as possible. They didn't want to accidentally let anyone hear that they were having some fun with the tasks that Summer was supposed to fulfill from her ranking.

They were deep in conversation to the point of not noticing anyone who walked by the room. Thankfully, since it was late into the night, they were the only two in that hallway.

Footsteps gradually came closer to the room though. Summer and Layla tried to finish their conversation as soon as possible, ending with some quiet laughter.

When the men reached Layla's room, they heard quiet laughter come from inside the room. Basilisk shifted the boxes to one arm briefly and knocked on the door five times.

Summer came to the door and pushed it open a bit more for them. She also opened the second door to help fit in the gifts. Saber continued to pile on the table of the boxes he held in his hands. Basilisk instead went straight to Layla.

"Judah is here too." Basilisk then went to the table as well, placing those gifts in his arms in any open space he could find. Saber helped him by rearranging some of them in a way that it wouldn't topple over.

Judah spoke out first, while the two men had their attention occupied with the table full of gifts.

"Ready for the annual secret dance between the four of you?"

Layla whipped her head around while combing out the last strand of her hair with her hand that had been previously brushed by Summer.

"Yes!" Layla happily replied, jumping up from her seat immediately.

Basilisk and Saber finished with rearranging the stack of gifts, coming to the middle of the room where Judah stood. Summer went over to the doors, closing them, and pulled out a recorder from her apron pocket.

"So who's going first this time? I got the music right here." She flashed the recorder for all to see, switching it to sit flat on the palm of her hand.

"When did you get to record music?" Layla loomed over the recorder, staring straight at the light blinking on it to indicate the device being on.

"I hid it under the conductor's podium." Summer pressed the 'play' button to show it did what she claimed it to do. Soft music, the same sounds that played at the party, quietly came out of the tiny recorder in her hand.

"When did you have the time to do that?!" Basilisk and Saber said in unison.

"I was the one who set up the podium." Summer paused the recording, flipping the device over to show the tape still stuck to it. "So, who's first?"

"Basilisk should go first." Saber pushed Basilisk towards Layla.

"Me?" Basilisk stopped himself from completely toppling Layla when Saber suddenly pushed them together.

"Hope you practiced." Saber covered his laugh when Basilisk glared at him.

"Should I bow?" Basilisk asked Layla.

Summer interjected, "Yeah, she's a noble."

Layla hopefully watched him as he readjusted his collar to tighten it up. He proceeded to straighten out his suit, and slick his hair further back.

Basilisk cleared his throat and went forward into a bow. He didn't get very far with that when Saber interrupted him.

"What are you doing?"

Basilisk continued his glare at Saber, adding his sharp gaze to Summer.

"You don't have to, Basilisk." Layla tried to pull his attention back to her. She tugged on his sleeve, coming between him and Saber.

"Well, I'm doing it. These two set me up for it. I'll see it to the end." Basilisk repeated his previous actions, adding more dramatic flare compared to the first.

When he finally got to the bow, he offered his hand out for Layla. The perfect words escaped his lips with a smile.

"Shall we dance?"

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