Chapter 17: Off I Go!

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"Do you have everything packed?" Mavis asked Minerva. Minerva was giving her bags to the driver of a car that was sent for her to go to Vesta, not paying any attention to her sister's question.

The driver gently placed the bags into the car, arranging them to fit with each other in such a small space.

"Minerva, do you have everything you need packed?" Mavis repeated, her voice more stern this time.

"Yes, I made a list, and checked while I packed. If I missed anything, I can always call Devon to bring it to me." Minerva ran back to Mavis, hugging her tightly.

Mavis, softening her voice again, hugged her sister back. "I have to get back to work, but call us when you get there, alright?"

"I will." Minerva released her hold on Mavis, backing away slowly. "See you in a few months."

Mavis turned her body to the side to reach into her purse, and pulled out a small wallet. She opened the wallet to take out a few crisp-looking bills.

"Take some more money with you. You can buy yourself something, if you need it." She handed over the bills to Minerva, while putting her wallet back into the purse.

Without looking, Minerva took the money into her hands. She glanced down at the bills, eyes widened from the amount. "800 hesti?! Mavis, it's too much!"

"Nonsense. It's better than to be short on cash." Mavis waved off Minerva, then started walking away. "I have to go now, see you when you come back!"

"Bye... I guess?" Minerva stood there with a dumbfounded look, slowly putting away the money in her own purse.

Soon, Mavis disappeared around the corner, and Minerva heard a thump sound behind her. Before she could turn around to see what was approaching, strong and muscular arms wrapped around her. One arm was covered in bandages from the elbow to the wrist.

"Hey babe, you got a boyfriend yet?" A familiar sounding man whispered into her ear.

Knowing the person behind her was none other than Devon, she smirked and replied with a sarcastic tone. "Yes, I do. In fact, he should be taking good care of his wrist by not climbing buildings or trees for transportation."

"I'm taking care of my wrist." The arms retracted from around her body.

"The scratch marks on the bandage says otherwise." Minerva stopped the arm with the bandage from going too far, turning to face Devon. She pointed to the scuffs that littered the bandage.

"Nothing to see here." Devon covered the bandage with his free hand, moving it up and down his arm as the bandage was much bigger than what he could cover.

"Then, I'm guessing you don't need the bandage either." Minerva moved to the poorly secured clip at one of the ends of his bandage. She started to wrap her finger under the clip, getting ready to pull. When her finger began to lift up, Devon's free hand pressed hers on top of his arm, stopping her from pulling the clip more.

Minerva let go of the piece, having Devon raise his hand up first to let her move hers away from his bandage.

Panic filled Devon's eyes as Minerva came back to clip with both hands.

"Have mercy on me, your highness." He readied his hand to stop her again, if needed.

She took away the clip, unwrapped his bandage, and began wrapping it again. This time, it looked exactly as the day she put it on him at the hospital. She fastened the clip back into place, finally removing her hands away from the area.

"Better?" She asked.

"Just like the first day." He replied.

"I have to go soon. The car is waiting for me."

"Already? I just got here." Devon gave her the saddest look he could muster.

Minerva took Devon's face into her hands, and tilted her head upwards to meet his taller height. Pulling him down to close the gap, she passionately kissed him.

Devon hastily returned the kiss, quick to wrap his arms around her torso.

They stayed there together in their kiss for what felt like ages, before they finally let go of each other. Minerva changed the position of her hands on Devon's face to behind his head. They kissed once more, this time being quicker.

"I really have to go, Devon." Minerva moved away from him, finally walking towards the car. The silver-haired man opened the door for her, and she started by dropping her purse in first on the seat.

She turned back to Devon, still patiently standing where she left him. He smiled as she came back to hug him one last time, to which he happily returned the hug.

"I'll come visit you." Devon buried his face into her hair, pulling her closer to him.

"How? By climbing trees again?" Minerva chuckled as she leaned into his embrace.

"And by falling out of them. You'll have to patch me up when you get back." He pulled away from her slightly, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"I can't wait." Minerva took her arms away from his side, but still held onto his hands before she completely turned to get into the car.

The door shut between them, and the car started to drive off into the street.

Minerva waved her goodbye to her boyfriend, which he returned to her while running in the direction the car was headed.

Devon watched as Minerva gained more distance between them, and then ran to the nearest tree. He jumped up to reach the lowest branch, and began climbing up to a more sturdy level. From there, he moved from branch to branch until he reached the closest rooftop. Pulling himself onto the roof, he ran, returning back to his Region.

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