Chapter 29: The Delivered Meal

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Kite stared at the tray before him, mesmerized by how professional it had been done. Piping hot food laid on every inch of the tray with the light in his room bouncing off the silver lining on his plates. He scanned the contents of the tray, some of the items he had never seen before. In the left corner, steaming bread rolls peeking through wrapped foil, under that being a creamy yellow soup with vegetables floating in it.

He placed the tray onto the coffee table in the corner of his room, and plopped himself on the couch behind it. He continued with looking at what he had been served, the middle dish catching his attention first. Roasted root vegetables laid elegantly next to a large quietly searing medallion of beef. The remainder of the plate was full with multiple portions of seared scallops.

The food didn't end there, as he looked to the remaining part of the tray. Two equally sized plates stand side by side next to the main dish, one containing a simple salad, and the other one had a dessert. Golden brown tart contrasted with the light cream base, fruits piled high on the cream, and a dusting of sugar and honey to top it off. Finally, when there seemed to be no room left on the tray, a water bottle covered by a glass stood by itself in the right corner. He found his wrapped utensils at the bottom edge of the tray on top of a red cloth napkin, expertly placed at the center closest to him.

A folded note stuck out under the wrapped utensils, which Kite took out first before he began his meal. He unfolded the edges to read what the contents of the note were about.

I wrote this note for you in case you didn't want to talk to me. Basilisk told me you didn't eat at the reception earlier, so he offered to make this meal for you. I had him make a full meal, then we could deliver it together to your room. Do you like it? If you want different options next time, please let me know and I'll have the chef make some accordingly.

Enjoy your meal! I suggest you eat the soup first, it will warm you up. You can leave it outside for Basilisk to collect it when you are done. I'll see you tomorrow for the first day of Council Selection.


Kite placed the note down next to him after reading it, and pulled the wrapped utensils out from its spot. He unwrapped it and slowly began to eat the food in front of him, following Layla's suggestion to start with the soup.

With each bite, he fought back tears that surfaced again in his eyes. While the food was warm and delicious, he couldn't help but feel sadness.

Why did I agree to come here?

A ring on his phone broke his thought, which he promptly wiped away his tears, and went over to pick up the call.

"You eating?" Xander asked through the call.

"Yeah." Kite went back to the couch and ate again.

"Great, I can call back Mom." Xander shuffled something in the background a bit and hung up their call.

Kite stared at the dark screen in confusion, and placed his phone down next to the note. He turned his attention back to his food and finished off the remaining items. After he finished, he laid back against the couch and looked up to the ceiling.

The room was silent, minus his light breathing, as he waited for Basilisk to return back to his room.

I should text Adam.

Kite swung himself forward to reach for his phone once more. He flipped through the screen to find Adam's contact and started on his text.

Are you still awake?

He waited for a response, knowing it wouldn't be immediate.

Kite continued with his attention towards the ceiling, phone still in his hand, as he waited. Finally, a quick alert popped up on his screen, signifying a reply.

I'm awake. What are you doing?

Kite gave a quick smile, and proceeded with their conversation.

I just ate dinner. Food is good here. I'll try to make it for you when I get back.

This time, Adam was much quicker in replies, so their messages came consecutively one after another.

I can't wait for that. What about what you did today? I heard from Xander that there was a reception, but you left partly into it.

Damn it, Xander needs to shut up. Tell him to mind his business next time he calls to report on me.

Go have fun with this new experience. Didn't I say that this morning?

Yeah, I know. Enjoy my time here.

Good. Get some rest now. You need it after today.

A knock on Kite's door took his attention away from giving another reply to Adam. He quickly sent a last reply.

I will, after I have this meeting with a guy who apparently serves the noble as her butler? I don't know what they are supposed to be. He's knocking on my door right now.

Kite threw down his phone and rushed over to the door. He opened it to see Basilisk with his hand up ready to knock a second time. He carried a large book and folder in his other hand, with 'Kite Oswald' written on the front of the folder.

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