Chapter 11: Party in the House

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Back at the Lucan-Azure Estate, Layla's party was in full swing. Nobles from every family attended the night with great honor. Mountains of gifts lay between Layla and the wall of her estate's ballroom.

Basilisk came up to Layla's spot on her glorious stage in front of the room.

"Need anything, m'lady?" He asked, leaning forward slightly.

"A non-alcoholic drink," Layla replied, then lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, "please."

"Understood." Basilisk fully bowed in front of Layla, and then quickly left to the serving table where Summer stood.

As he made his way to the table, Saber stopped him halfway. He watched as Judah came to the two with other Silvers behind him.

Basilisk promptly bowed again, waiting for Judah to arrive by his side to release him from the position.

"You may rise." Judah waved his hand within the slight of Basilisk, before quickly returning it to his side. "Where are you headed?"

"Lady Layla requests a drink." Basilisk glanced over to the long serving table.

"Proceed." Judah stepped aside, but first grabbed onto Basilisk's wrist under his cloak, he hissed into Basilisk's ear as discreetly as he could. "Did you forget that you can't leave Layla's side for too long during a party, my mother wouldn't like seeing her alone without any Silvers protecting her from suitors."

"Sorry, it slipped my mind." Basilisk whispered back.

"I'll go to her, go get that drink." Judah releases his hold on Basilisk, letting them part ways briefly to their intended destinations.

As Judah approached Layla, he was met with a split second smile.

Saber and the following Silvers bowed to Layla, with the remaining Silvers being ushered off by Judah. Saber remained by Judah's side, taking his place behind the taller male.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Judah walked up the stage, turning to face the crowd of people in the room dancing away.

"It could be better, but at least I got to see my parents and grandparents for a moment." Layla faced Judah with a saddened smile.

On the other side of the ballroom, Basilisk took hold of the drink made by Summer and left to return to Layla. He approached the two nobles mid-conversation with Layla's drink.

Layla noticed Basilisk coming to them, and waited for him to get to them. When he returned, he reached out for her hand to take the drink. She switched her tone to a whisper once more, "thank you."

Basilisk nodded in approval, and quickly switched his spot to being behind her once more.

Layla delicately slipped her drink, eyeing the nobles around her that danced without a care for the hour it was.

"Do you want to call it quits? I'll invite you to the final dance, and Basilisk can hold your drink while we dance." Judah asked Layla, her eyes lighting up the second he said she could leave.

"You know me so well." Layla handed back her drink to Basilisk, allowing Judah to direct Saber to the small group of people playing music in the corner.

Once the music died down, Judah cleared his throat to start his speech. Rebecca noticed her son suddenly speak, scowling at the interruption of her conversation with other nobles.

"Fellow nobles, we thank you for your time to attend Lady Layla Azure's birthday celebration. As the night draws to a close, I would like to offer my hand to the dearest Lady Layla in the last dance." Judah stepped down off the stage, and offered his hand to Layla.

"Would you allow me to guide you in the final dance of the night, Lady Layla?"

Layla nodded, and placed her hand in Judah's. "It would be my pleasure, Lord Judah."

He helped her off the stage and onto the dance floor. Nobles around them split to create space for them to walk to the middle of the room.

Judah placed his hands around Layla's waist and held firmly onto her other hand as she placed her free hand on his shoulder. He looked at the Saber, who then instructed the players to start their music again. The lights dimmed and from above, a spotlight shone on the pair.

With the swaying of the music, Judah and Layla did the same. They danced around the room, clinging to each other as they twisted and turned with each tune.

All eyes were on them, some even whispering behind them.

The music slowed to a stop, Judah letting go of Layla's waist in the process. Still holding onto each other's hands, they returned to the stage.

"Go rest. I'll take it from here." Judah let go of her hand.

Layla waved to the crowd. "Have a good night, honored guests."

Basilisk and Layla left the ballroom together, heading straight for her estate.

When out of earshot, especially near nobles, Basilisk finally let his guard down. "Layla, do you still want your drink?"

"Yes, thank you for holding onto it for me." Layla took her drink again, drinking as she walked the halls to her room.

"Just doing my job." Basilisk laughed as they dropped all formality in an instant, walking side by side towards the other side of the hall.

Passing by the kitchen, Layla finished the last of her drink and handed the empty glass to Basilisk. He took it and entered the kitchen himself. Layla waited for him outside, as he dropped off the glass in the sink.

Coming back out, they continued their way down the hall. Their conversations rang through the empty halls. With each passing step, they made it closer to the door facing the outside.

Basilisk stepped further out first, opening the door for Layla.

She giggled when he dramatically jumped into place behind her.

"Ladies first." He joked, following it with, "Noble ladies especially."

Layla curtsied to the side, "Kind sir."

They both headed out, laughing together as they reached the patio around between the main part of the estate, and the Azure half of the estate.

"Oh, Layla." Basilisk started, "Minerva sent you a gift this morning. I left it in your room."

Layla's eyes lit up again, "Who delivered it this time?"

"Not sure, it wasn't her usual red-headed errand boy."

Layla covered her mouth to silent the laugh, she gasped between her words and laughter as she replied to Basilisk.

"Errand... errand boy... Basilisk, that's Devon. He's... her... her boyfriend."

"How would you know who her boyfriend is? You've never met him. In fact, I've only seen him a few times putting the things she sends to you on your balcony before he climbs up into the trees like a monkey." Basilisk asked.

"She tells me about the antics Devon gets himself into when she writes those letters."

Basilisk and Layla turned the corner and finally came within sight of Layla's room.

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