Chapter 1:The Beginning

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(Danituru P.O.V.) It was a boring day in school during history class, I had my head on my hand because I was trying to stay awake from the boredem of history.
I'm sitting at my table on the right side
of the room next to the wall. It was about in the fourth row where the teacher can easily see.

Which is bad because if I accidentally fall asleep my asshat of a teacher would write  me up about it.(Here is the song that sounds like an average day to me)

I looked behind me at the left corner of the classroom seeing my brother asleep with his head down. I assume, its kind of hard to tell since his hair is so curly and long that it covers his eyes. He's either asleep, bored, or asleep due to boredem either way he can just use his hair and never gets caught sleeping,he is very lazy that way. But I don't blame him I am basically feeling as him about this class.

"Yup just an ordinary day" I said to myself. I wish my brother and I were at the "UFS"(underground fight society) right now, fighting for fun and profit is so much better than sitting and listening to boring crap like history.If we weren't highschoolers we would basically be making a living out fighting like celebrities.

As a wrestler,I know that they don't have to sit around and do nothing. Some just wrestle for glory and for money, but a real wrestler fights to feel the adrenaline of the action of fighting.
But I do it to support my mother since she's raising two teenage boys alone, which is basically me and my brother.

We were just quietly minding our business in the class until the announcement speaker turns on and made both me and my brother jumped out of our boredem trances.
"Attention students I repeat attention students" he said in a feared sounding manner. "This is a very important emergency situation announcement, stay with your teachers and follow their orders and evacuate, I repeat stay with them and evacuate."

"What, evacuate for what?"asked reiagi with complete confusion. We may be first years in highschool but I can tell for a fact that this never happened before. " away! Aaaaggh!"said the principal.

It was quiet for about 3 minutes,then the students started to panic and scream while running out of the classroom. We can hear the screams as they ran down the hall,it seemed like they all ran like if nothing mattered.

Only me and my brother stayed in the our seats it creeped me out  so much that it made me feel like my spine wanted to crawl like if it wanted to come out of my body, me and brother got of our seats and walked toward each other to talk.
"Ok I guess class is dismissed because the teacher ran out of the classroom along with the students. "asked reiagi. "I guess, we should probably bail there's no point in sticking around here." I said.

I don't know what is going on but it doesn't seem like it's a normal safety practice drill for emergencies. But little did I know at that moment, when we walked out of the door me and my brother were about to enter in a world where everything we loved and hold dear was about to be destroyed and consumed by the dead.

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