Chapter 10:Speak Of The Devil

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(Danituru P.O.V.)
I feel like I'm frozen,to hear that from someone's mouth and someone's words.
How the fuck does she know about that?! This is so fucked up,what do I do? What do I say? This is not good. Then we heard a loud gunshot from up stairs and looked at the stairs. "What the fuck?"I said as I ran upstairs to check out what the gun shot was.

"What the fuck is going on?!"I asked as I kicked open the door. I saw kohta firing a gun outside the bedroom window. "There's a little girl that's about to be eaten by zombies in front of a house!!"he said with extreme intensity. "Oh ok...Wait what?! What are we gonna to do?!"I said with intensity. "Quick wakeup your brother we need all the arms we have!"said takashi.
I turned to my brother and saw him in bed with saya in a  blanket. If I wake him he'll probably say I should've wake him in a proper way.

Aw forget it I'll just grab him by the jacket and slap him awake. I grabbed him
and I started slapping him awake. "Wakeup Wakeup Wakeup!!"I said as I hold him up with my right hand and slap him with my left. Then his hair uncovered his eyes and then both of his eyes opened up quickly because he felt the pain from my slaps. "ARRGGH!! What The Fuck Man?!"he said as he holds his face."Hey what's going on? I'm trying to sleep!"said saya as she gets up from bed while rubbing her eyes with irritation.

"Ok,Give me one reason why I shouldn't loose my shit on you right now."he said with an irritated voice."A little girl is about to get killed and we need to save her!"I said. "Ok, That is a very good reason."he said."We got to do something quickly."said kohta "I'll go, the house she is at is three houses down the street so I'll go by motorcycle."said takashi.

"I'll cover you from here while you're down there"said kohta as he has holds the sniper rifle out on the window balcony. "You're not going there alone, so I'll come with."said reiagi. "Are you sure that you wanna go?"I asked reiagi as I look at him with concern. "Yeah, It couldn't hurt to have two people instead of one. We need to stick together."said reiagi as he covers his eyes with his hair.

"Do you really need to cover your eyes with your hair?asked takashi. "Can we please just stop talking about my hair already?! Christ!said reiagi with a shouted irritated tone."Sorry Sorry,let's just go."said takashi with an embarrassed tone.

(Reiagi P.O.V.)

As we both walked out of the room then down stairs we saw rei and saeko infront of the door. "Where are you two going?asked rei,"Reiagi and I are going to save a little girl. She's in trouble,and is about to get eaten,but don't worry she's three houses down so we're going by bike."said takashi. "But what if you guys get surrounded?"asked rei with a concerned and scared look on her face.

"Don't worry we'll be fine."said takashi as he shows the revolver in his right hand. He gives rei a hug and walked towards the door. "Don't worry, I'll be right behind him. "I said with a smile and pat on her left shoulder. I walked towards the door with takashi but then saeko stopped me by  grabbing by my right shoulder. "You better make sure he's safe. Use your skills with everything you got."she said with a glare at my face.

She said that like she knows something about me. "Relax, I got his back."I said with an assuring tone and with my face in front of hers."You really need a haircut dude. I cannot see your face at all."she said in a smart aleck way. "Fucking shit! I can see fine! Why is everyone talking about my hair like I'm blind?! Fuck!."I said because I am tired of hearing about everyone talking about my hair.

I walked out the door with takashi while hearing saeko's snickering while I closed the door. "Unbelievable"I said with a irritated tone,"Sorry you were irritated by that."said takashi. "It's fine,let's just go."I said as he and I got on the motorcycle. We walked to the drive way where the motorcycle was parked and rode away from the house and drive straight to the next house. As we drive we heard nothing but loud moans and drove past alot of zombies. "Look there's the house!"I said while pointing. "Hold on to me tightly, because this turn is going to make a rough entrance."said takashi.

As he turned the motorcycle straight to the front door of the fence door, the motorcycle tripped over a dead zombie. Before I was about to fall I flip jump of the motorcycle then sticked the landing. Then takashi fell off the bike then I caught him before he could fall on his back. "Wow nice catch"he said as I hold him on my arms.

"Thanks"I said as I putted him down on his feet,then we heard a dog barking behind us. As we turned around we saw a dog barking at two zombies as they walked towards the little girl. "Somebody help me!!"she said as she covers her face with her hands. Then I ran straight towards the two zombies then gave them both a jump kick to the head at the same time
knocking them both away from the little girl.

"Have for fear because the rescuers are here."I said sounding like a lousy hero impersonation."Dude just watch my back"said takashi with a unimpressed tone and face with a pat on the back.
"Fine"I said with a disappointed tone. I looked at the group of zombies that are at the front door of the fence door. "Alright time to fight but at least kohta gots my back with that sniper. "I said to myself with a nervous groan.

I launched a punch to one zombie then delivered a spin kick to another. Then one grabbed me by my shoulders from behind, it was about to bite me by the head .Then before it could bite me it got shot by the head by a sniper bullet. "Thank you kohta"I said with a sigh of relief. I gave a giant kick to the huge group of zombies to knock them away from the door. Then I hold the door close while kohta was firing the at the zombies behind the door from a far distance.

"Dude hurry up! I don't know how long I can hold the door closed!"I said with an intense shout. It's like blocking door salesmen when they want to sell something. "Ok I got her,let's go!"he said while carrying the little girl on his back and with the dog in his jacket.
"Let's walk on the fence, we can tiptoe our way on top to get to the house."he said,I looked at the fence then look back at him.

"Um...Are you sure?"I said with a tone of uncertainty."Yes! No argument about it, we have no choice!"he said. "Ok you go first then I'll go second. I gotta hold the door before you get on the fence."I said while holding the door with extreme might. Takashi went on top of the fence while holding the little girl on his back. " turn now...God I wish I was in gymnastics, it seems so useful now."I said to myself before I  climb the fence.

Then I ran straight to the fence then climbed on top of it to tiptoe on it. I tiptoed right behind takashi then stop right by him. I smelled something weird coming from him "Um...What is that smell?"I asked. "I don't want to talk about it."he said with an irritated tone. I know he said he doesn't want to say anything but something smells like pee.

As we slowly tiptoed on top on of the fence, I got a look at the zombies below and felt chills were crawling on my spine. "My god, Will they ever stop coming?"I asked myself. I felt like as if the world turned dark and I wanted to fall. Then we heard something that sounds like a car engine. I looked at the road straight ahead and moved my hair out of my eyes.
Then saw a huge car coming toward our way.

"Is that the others in that car?"I asked, "Yeah it's them, they're coming this way."said takashi with a happy tone.
The car ran the zombies down then stopped, saeko ran out of the car and struck down every zombie in the way. Kohta was shooting at the zombies from the car,"Come on! Jump on before there's too many to kill!"he shouted while he shoots the zombies. We ran straight and jumped right on top of the car through the hole on top of it and perfectly on the car seats.

"Thank God! I really wish I was in gymnastics,though I did do balance training in junior but I hated it. There's nothing cool about standing still with no fighting."I said. Saeko jumped on the car and dropped straight to the hole. "Good to see you and the girl are safe takashi." she said with a smile. "I'm here too, thanks."I said with an irritated tone."Oh right, good job keeping him safe."she said with a plain look. "Hey! He helped me, so treat him with respect!"said takashi.

"Good to know you're ok curly."said saya with a smile and a pat on my right shoulder. "Um...Thanks"I said with an embarrassed tone. "Yeah! That's my brother right there!"said danituru with a huge pat on my spine. "Oww...that hurts."I said with a pained tone. "Ok, miss shizuka drive straight to the river."
said saya. "Ok!"said shizuka with a confident tone.

"Wait, can this car float?"asked danituru and I in unison. Shizuka drove the car very fast and turned it to the river. We were out of the neighborhood and we got away unscathed. We are safe and we got a new survivor with us,to help us remember that we are still human beings. We will survive and we will fight on.

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