Chapter 8:Let the bodies hit the floor

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(Reiagi P.O.V.)
As we left the bus, we head to the bridge that would lead us to the east police station. "Look there's the bridge."said shizuka as she points to it while we walked on the sidewalk. "Oh no, there's zombies on top of the bridge."I said as we hide by the side of the bridge. "There's no way we're sneaking pass them out here there's way too much noise."said danituru.
"You're right so we're going to have to fight our way out."said saeko.I looked at the bridge and saw no way of getting pass them.
"Ok but are we gonna plan a strategy move or just go in half assed?"I asked. "I could just throw some over board."said danituru. "I got a good amount of nails to shoot so I'm good to go."said kohta. "Just say half assed because you're just saying your skills."I said in a irritated tone. "We need to get to the other side before night fall or these things will be invisible in the dark."said takagi.

"All right everyone ready?"asked saeko 
We nodded yes in response,"Ok let's go!"she shouted. I dashed straight toward a zombie and kicked it by the head then stomped on its head. Danituru shoulder charge at three zombies to pushed them off the bridge. Then saeko striked four zombies at the same time with her kendo sword. Kohta shot five nails at five zombies in the the head.

"This doesn't look good,maybe it would've been better on the bus."said shizuka. "Didn't you say he was a total douchebag?" I asked while I threw a zombie off the bridge."Yeah but I'm just saying is all."she said with a scared tone.
"Shit! I'm running out of nails."said kohta."Just stay near shizuka and takagi,while I,danituru,and saeko can take care of this."I said. "There's to many of them."said danituru.
"Yeah but I got plenty of energy to spare.
said saeko."Where are you getting your energy from?!"asked danituru while throwing two zombies off the bridge at the same time.

It doesn't look good,we are running out space to fight them off. It looked like we weren't going to make it,then suddenly we heard a motorcycle engine. It came from under the bridge,then out of nowhere came takashi and rei on a motorcycle jumping a ramp to jump to the bridge. "Holy shit!"said I,saeko,kohta,and danituru in surprise unison. Rei jumped off the bike then struck three zombies off the bridge at the same time. "Kohta catch!"shouted takashi as he threw a pistol to him.

Then when kohta catched the pistol with one hand he gave out a sinister smile.
Then shot two zombies in the head,"Double  Tap Baby!"he shouted with extreme enjoyment. "Reiagi grabbed my hand"he said as he grabbed me riding on the motorcycle. Then threw me towards three zombies to do a air kick. "That was awesome!!"I said as I nailed the foot landing. As we finished killing the zombies  we decided to congratulate each other on a job well done.

"Dude! That was one hell of an entrance!"I said as I gave takashi a pat on the back. "Thanks"said takashi with a shy smile, "Rei that was an awesome air staff strike!"said danituru with excitement. "We are the most awesomest zombie fighting group!!" Me and danituru  were shouting victory yells because it was the most fun ever had,almost as fun as fighting in the U.F.S. "Hey!If you dumbass brothers are done with jumping around like elementary school kids, we need to haul ass out of here before nightfall."said takagi in an irritated tone. Shit I  forgot about that,"Ok who's house are we going?"I asked in a embarrased tone. "About that,I think it would be best if we call it a day. So we should head to my friend's house."said shizuka, "Friend? You mean like a boyfriend?"asked danituru.

"No no no no!! Not like that, my friend is a girl and she gave me a key to her house so that I can look after it while she's gone."said shizuka with an embarrassed tone. "Is it far from here?"asked takashi, "No it's near the river and near a convenience store."said shizuka. "I could go for a shower right about now."said takagi."I bet you do"said kohta with a pervy chuckle. "Baka!!"I said while delivering a karate chop to his head.

"Oww!! That hurts!!"he said as he hold his head in pain."Gentleman don't act like that."I said in a strict tone and glare. "Alright,lead the way miss shizuka" said takashi,"Ok let's go."she said in a happy tone. We walked on the sidewalk and walked three houses down, with no sight of zombies. As we arrived at the house it looked pretty cool and looked like  if a rich person lived here. "Damn this is one kickass house, if I didn't know any better I say she's yakuza."I said. Shizuka gave me a pouty face so I can tell that she thinks it's  rude.

"Sorry I didn't mean any offense."I said with a embarrassment tone."It's fine as long you apologize."she said with a happy smile and tone. "Heads up zombies!" said danituru as he pointed at the stairs. "It was only matter of time,it couldn't stay quiet forever. "Let's go!!"I shouted to battle,"Yeah!!!"we shouted as we killed the zombies up the stairs and in front of the door.
(10 minutes later)
"Well that was easy"I said, "I expected it to last longer, no way it was to short."said danituru."The shorter the better"said saeko with a tired tone.

Shizuka went to the front door and unlocked it and opened it. "Follow me girls to the shower room. Boys,you better not peek in while in the shower."said shizuka while giving a suspicion glare."Yes ma'am we promise not to peek. Right?!" I said,as I stared at kohta."Yes I promise"said kohta. "Ok see you later, oh and by the way my friend has a gun locker you can come up with us to open it."she said as she and the girls went upstairs to go to the shower. "Seriously? Let's check it out!!"he said as he rushes up stairs. We followed up stairs and saw him trying to pick the lock very poorly.

"Damn this is an awesome bedroom."I said "Screw the bedroom! Help me with this locker!"said kohta with excitement.
"You guys go ahead and open it, I'm gonna take a nap because I am exhausted, good night." I said as I jumped straight to the bed.

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