Chapter 5:The Bus Escape

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(Danituru P.O.V.)
We leave the faculty room to find the bus and hopefully bump into a few survivors to escape with along the way.
We reached the stairs and saw huge number of zombies down the stairs "Don't try to make any noise they react to sound." said saeko, "Why?"I asked "Because they don't have eyesight dumbass" said takagi as if she was a genius, "Hey you don't need to be rude." Said takashi. "What I was just telling something important." They were about to argue but saeko shushed them.

I felt nervous because I don't like stealth there's no quiet in wrestling and it was never was my strong suit. "Someone's going to have to sneak down there and look where the exit is."said saeko.
"I am not going down there, hell to the no."said takagi in a strict manner. "I'll do it" said reiagi, "The hell you are" I said. "Look you know and I know that you are not good at stealth,and thank god for my shortness so I can sneak pass them."

"What does shortness have to do with anything?"I asked"I'll go with him"said takashi. "Are you sure?"asked rei, "it's better to do things together than doing it alone" said takashi as he and rei hugged each other for goodluck. "Thank you takashi" I said as we shook hands for good luck.

(Reiagi P.O.V.)

Takashi and I walked slowly down the stairs to find the exit. I tiptoed forward to see if I could find the exit then out of nowhere a zombie got in front of me and stared at me. Then it walked past me like I wasn't there, 'I don't believe it they can't see me.' "Reiagi over here" whisper takashi as he waved his hand telling me to come to him. I tiptoed  towards him to see what he found. "Did you find it?" I asked, "yes and there's a some survivors in the classroom that's three doors down. " he said as he pointed at the right side of the hallway.

"Let's go back to the others"said takashi, I nodded my head to him in agreement. We snuck right back up the stairs to tell the others about the exit. "We found the exit and some survivors that are in the right direction three doors away from the exit."I said, "looks to me we'll have to fight our way to the classroom to get to the exit, which thankfully there's not much of them."said saeko, "but there's some at the exit so someone needs to clear the way."said takashi. "But what about the survivors?"asked danituru, "I say me and danituru get the survivors,while you guys get to the exit." I said.

"What but that's only two of you, no you need backup."said kohta "We've fought against a huge crowd before so we can take care of a group of zombies."
Said Danituru, "you fought people not zombies."said rei, "true but is there a difference?" I asked, "Yes"said everyone,"ok then" I said in a timid tone. "Look curly,if your hair is in your eyes and it's making you too blind see the difference between humans and zombies then cut it off. You need to use your brain instead of muscle or else they'll eat you faster than fatty with a sandwich"said takagi, "Hey! Is that necessary?"said kohta.

"Everyone calm down, look It's crazy what you said reiagi but are you and your brother sure about this?" I don't like the idea but I believe it would be better to have me and bro do it. "I want to do it even though the odds are not looking good."said danituru "Alright, everyone knows what to do?"asked takashi. Everyone nodded yes, "ok let's go"said takashi, "try to push them out of the way instead of fight, we need to get out of here quickly."said saeko as she and the others sneak towards the exit.

(Danituru P.O.V.)

My brother and I started to sneak up to the classroom to help the students in the classroom. I opened the door then "Come with me if you want to live."he said in a dumb way. I slapped his head "dude are you serious?" I asked him as he blushed with embarrassment, "what? I was quoting terminator."he said. I looked at him in a irritated way.
"Who are you assholes and what do you want?"asked scared boy. "We're here to help you get out of here. We have keys to a that we're going to use to leave."  I said "Really there's a bus?"asked the scared girl student.

"Yes, but you can come with us, what do you say?"asked reiagi. The five students nodded yes to us. "Alright get ready run...ready? Now!" I said. We ran straight ahead towards the exit, I pushed a few zombies out of the way and made it outside. "Over guys!! Get on the bus!!shouted takashi while waving his hand.
"There it is come on, keep running!!"I shouted while we ran from the huge crowd of zombies. Then finally we jumped in the bus and made it safely.

"Maybe I should join track instead of karate club,I feel out of shape."said reiagi as he sweat in his chair. We were about to drive away from the parking lot until, "look someone's coming"said takagi as she pointed at the teacher and the students running towards the bus.
"No...No!! Don't let that that man on." Said Rei, "what are you talking about he just wants on the bus besides he's a teacher."said takashi.

As we watch them run towards us a student fell down on his face right next to the teacher."mr shido please... help me"he pleaded while being on the ground. "Can you get up?"he asked "No sir" he said "oh well I guess you die" he said with a wicked smile as he delivered a kick straight to his head and leaves him. As he was stunned from the pain in his face he was grabbed by the shoulder and had his neck bitten and his eyes pulled. He was being eaten by a zombie and was screaming on the top of his lungs. "What the hell,did he just kill that guy?" I asked, as he got the bus takashi shouted "alright we're all here let's go", shizuka fired up the engine and drove through all the zombies in the way and crashed right through the school gate and out of the school we go.
Goodbye fujima academy I'll miss you thank you for everything.

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