Chapter 6:Dead Road Ahead

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(Reiagi P.O.V.)
Well we got out of the school and we got a few survivors with us. Yup we got away unscathed just like we wanted,
But how long are we gonna till we get to a safe place? "Attention please attention" said shido with a weird and sinister looking grin, "It has come to my attention that we need some inspired leadership so luckily I would like to volunteer." "Hold on, you're serious?" I asked, "Of course, I mean it should be obvious since I am the the only teacher on this bus."he said.

Danituru came to the seat next to me and whispered"I don't like him he looks like a cult leader and it's obvious that he has something on his mind since there's more girls than boys on this bus." "I agree" I said as we both looked at shido with a look of suscpicion. "I don't like this, we were safe where we were at the school, not to mention I don't like the fact that I'm in the same bus with takashi."said one of the boys from the school.

"What did I do to you?"asked takashi with a look of confusion,"You know what you did"he said. he got up from his chair and walk towards takashi with a angry look on his face. Danituru got up grabbed the guy by the face and pushed him, then the boy fell on his back. "Are you looking for trouble buddy?"he said with a irritated look on his face. "Because trouble is gonna come to you if you don't sit your ass down."he said.

Oh boy the only time he gets like this is when he wants to protect his friends. Shizuka stopped the bus then got up from her chair "Stop it! There is no time to be fighting, just sit back down!"she shouted at the three boys that are out of their seats. "Yeah whatever"he said as he got up from the ground to go back to his seat. Takashi patted danituru on his right shoulder,"Thanks"he said, danituru turned around to him, "Sure, we are all in this together"he said as they both went back to their seats.

It is cool to see how bro decided to help takashi like that especially when we're in a middle of a world crisis. I looked out my window seeing how bad everything is, how did this happen and why did it happen? I leaned on the arm rest of the chair then slowly dozed off. I dreamed about this morning before we went to school. We were at home and we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. We were eating eggs and some waffles at the side, although my brother was crazy about waffles it was his favorite to eat in the morning.

After when mom was with finished serving us breakfast she sat down with a look of concern on her face. "Boys I think it's about time that you tell me how you been getting the money."said mom. We stopped eating after she said that,then we looked at each other before we looked at mom. Because the rule of being part of the U.F.S. (underground fight society) is that it's supposed to be a secret to everyone no matter who asks especially to your own family.  Because if you don't keep it a secret you and the person you told will be killed. Danituru decided to say something,"um,well we have a...part-time job after school."he said with a smile on his face."

"Then where are your uniforms?"she asked with a glare of suspicion on her face. "We...left them at our work, yeah we were supposed to do that."I said as I scratched my hair due to being nervous about her asking us."Boys I know your lying to me"she said with a look."Mom we would never lie to you."said danituru. "Then why do you two always have bruises on your faces when you come home from school?"asked mom. We looked at each other with some sweat on our faces.

"Boys please, tell me how you been getting this money you can tell me anything." Danituru had a worried looked on his face and I was biting my bottom lip."Have you two been stealing?"she asked, "No" I said "Are you doing anything wrong?"she asked again "No" said danituru, "Are you doing any shady?" "No" I said, "Are you gambling?!"she asked again with a stressed look on her face "No" said danituru "I need you to be honest with me! Please, it's concerning me,tell how you been getting money out of nowhere, please for me."she said as she was holding our hands.

I looked at the clock in our kitchen"Woah look at the time we gotta go"I said as me and my brother rushed to the door to put our shoes on. Mom grabbed us by hugging us from behind with tears in her eyes "Please be careful,I lost your father,I don't want to loose you too."she said as she letted us go and we both turned around and we both hugged her very tightly.
"Promise me you'll be careful." She said while tears dripped from her eyes. "We Promise" we said in unison as we wiped the tears off of her eyes and face.
"I love you both so much"she said, "And we love you" we both said with smiles as we walked out the door for school.

"Have a good day boys"she said as she waved goodbye to us,and we waved goodbye to her while we walked away. If I knew something like this happened out of  nowhere I would have told her how we earned the money but I didn't because it was to protect her. "Hey,hey curly you awake?"said a voice out of nowhere. I opened and rubbed my eyes then looked beside me and I saw takagi was sitting next to me. "Um yeah I'm awake, what happened? Where's my brother?"I asked with concern.
"Relax he's just getting a look at the window at the back of the bus to see what's happening,I came to sit with you because I got tired of sitting next to that fat otaku, he gives me the creeps."she said with disgust while crossing her arms.

"Right"I said while looking at the window trying to avoid an argument from her. "Hey why are you mean to almost anyone?"I ask while hopping she doesn't snap. "I don't mean to rude I'm just trying to make sure no one panics so that nothing bad happens."she said with a sad face as her eyes looked down to her shoes. "Well maybe, instead of being mean you can try being nice."I said.
"I could but it doesn't make things move fast, if you want things to be done then you need to be tough and I know being nice won't work."she said.

"So don't think you being nice is the way to do things."
she said with a look of looking like a know at all. "Remember that curly, it'll keep you alive."she said. "Sure and my name is not curly it's reiagi."I said with an asuring tone."whatever,speaking of which you need a haircut, how can you see with your bangs blocking your eyes?"she asked. "It's not that bad, and besides I can see fine,I can even fight blindfolded I learned how to do that when I was in middle school."I said with a confident tone.

"Hmm, ok I'll admit I am impressed"she said with a smile. "Wow she's impressed with that,ok quick think of something else."I thought to myself."I also know kung fu." I said "Wait you know kung fu? In Japan?"she asked with a confused look. "Oh crap why'd I say that?I learned kung fu when I was in the U.F.S say a lie, quick!" I thought to myself. "Um was at an dojo,yeah that's right." Takagi looked at me with a look of suspicion like she knows I'm lying. "Ok so where was it at?"she asked with a question look on her face.

" the city...yeah it was by district."I said. "Ok I guess that makes sense why it's there."she said with a convinced look on her face. Whew I  guess she bought it. "Hey everyone look at the window,the city's in chaos!"said one of the boy students. I looked at the window seeing nothing but smoke coming from cars and fire on the side of buildings. I felt like everything loved and know has been taken away. "I can't take any more of this."said rei as she opened the doors to leave the bus.

But takashi grabbed her by her right arm before she went out the doors. "Where are you going?" Takashi asked,"Anywhere away from shido." She said as they both walked out of the bus. They were arguing with each other,but then we heard a loud crashing noise coming from the right side of the road. There was another bus heading straight towards takashi and Rei. Danituru jumped out of the bus and ran out,"Guys!!! Get back in the bus now!!!!he said as they ran inside a car tunnel at the right side of the road.

The bus was going too fast that it turned and flipped over and blocked the car tunnel.I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the bus to see if they're ok. "Guys!! Are you ok?!"I shouted,"Yes we're fine!"said takashi. I sighed with relief to know they're ok, Then the bus caught on fire and zombies were coming out from the side while being on fire."Reiagi tell shizuka to drive everyone to the east police station!!"he shouted,"What time do we get there?!"I asked "At 7PM if not today then tomorrow at the same time."
He said, "Ok! Stay alive!! I said as I ran from the fire zombies and jumped back into the bus.

"Well what happened?" Danituru asked, "They're fine, they didn't get hurt and they said that we should head to the east police station at 7pm,if not today then tomorrow."I said
"Ok, we'll go the other way" said shizuka as she drives the bus. I hope they'll be ok I don't doubt that they're tough but I hope they'll be ok. Goodluck guys and be careful.

Highschool of the Dead: Bloodstained BrothersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon