Movie Night

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"Okay, seriously? What was that?" Damian turned to Raven ludicrously. "That firearm does not fire THAT many rounds. I've fired that weapon before. It's not a machine gun." Raven stifled a giggle as she nudged Damian's shoulder with her own, trying to hide it with her hand covering her face. "Damian, it's a movie! Not a documentary!" She said like it was obvious; that Damian should know that already. He shook his head. "And that!" He pointed at her TV, showing the main protagonist punching a goon. "He didn't even execute that well! If I did that, I'd sprain my wrist!" He pinched his nose in sheer disappointment. Then was amusingly bewildered to feel Raven's hand covering his mouth. "Shh! Just watch, Boy-Blunder. We can critique it after."
Raven looked at him, and sputtered out laughter when she realized she was still covering his mouth. She pulled her hand away. "Sorry, what was that?" She tried her best to recover from her laughing fit. Damian eyed her with a playful smile. "I said 'fine', Raven." They both turned to the screen to find that the protagonist had defeated the antagonist. "Seriously, British people are not that special." Raven heard Damian mutter under his breath. She shot him a playful scorned look. "Right, sorry." Damian responded smiling innocently.

It was a Friday night, and due to the weekend Kori permitted that the team could stay up late only if they went to bed at a reasonable time. Crime has been at an all-time low for about two weeks now, most likely thanks to the intense heat wave. Damian had been complaining about it to Grayson, saying "It was never like this in the mountains." and the sort. So, the team split to make their own plans and be about their own businesses, with Raven and Damian having no clue what to do. Later that day Raven showed him a movie on her phone that had recently arrived to Raven's streaming network. He agreed to watch it with her on one condition: watch one of her movies, than watch one of his.

So here the two teens were, sitting next to each other on her bed on top of her bedcovers in her room. Damian liked the set-up of the space. Not too much stuff and not too barren. It was perfect. Before this night, he'd never once step into another's room in the tower, let alone hers. From the entry of the door her bed laid horizontal up against the left wall of the room in the middle of the room. Across the room from the door was a window, much like the window in Damian's room. Directly across from her bed stationed her entertainment center; a flatscreen TV with movies piled up in stacks around it.

To the right side of her bed was an immense bookshelf holding classics of all sorts. On it kept her candles - most likely used for meditation. Damian had nodded in approval after seeing Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. To the left side of her bed she kept a nightstand, and on it was a beautiful lava lamp. Posters were dotted all around her bedroom walls - mostly music posters, with her favorite band albums - and hand drawn maps of her favorite books.

But what had to be Damian's favorite thing about her room were the festive lights - yes, festive - that were hung from the uppermost part of the walls that circled the ceiling. Damian appreciated the fact that the only light in the room was from the TV and the festive lights.

"Alright, Bird-brain." Raven said as she grabbed the Roku remote when the movie credits started to roll and offered it to Damian. "What's next?" Damian smiled at her, and realized that this entire scene was quite domestic. He felt his chest tighten and face redden. Why must it always be the small things that make me like this? He grabbed the remote, and cleared his throat. "Well, you know how you said we should watch The Lord of the Rings together?" He smiled when he saw her face light up like the Fourth of July. She got out of bed and moved to the stack of movies, and after a pause - with the occasional sound of DVD cases being picked up then put down in a rhythmic succession - she pulled out The Fellowship of the Ring. She smirked at him and after seeing Damian's questioned expression only giggled. "It's the extended edition, Dame."
That's a new nickname. Damian thought as he felt his ears burn.

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