Oh, Brother. (Part Ten!)

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The Batjet flew over much of the country undetected as the crew on board made their way to Wayne Manor. It had been only a couple hours since the daring escape from the evil grasp of Slade's League of Shadows, but the anxiety and concern for their missing member hung onto the people on board like a thick cloak.

In the cockpit of the aircraft sat Dick and Jason — the original Robins. The former flipped a few switches overhead as he put the ship on autopilot. "We're an hour out." Jason nodded and put his feet on the dash, and when he caught Dick's scolding stare immediately put his feet on the floor. An awkward silence filled the cockpit. "So, you killed." The inquiry was much more of a thoughtful deduction. Jason glanced sideways at the older Robin and nodded slowly. "My rubber bullets weren't doing anything. And I didn't want anyone to die so when Raven tossed me—"

Dick waved his arms in front of him to cut Jason off. "Woahwoahwoah, Raven?" Jason nodded, as if it was obvious. "Uh, yeah, Dick. Weren't you listening?" Jason continued while ignoring Dick's concerned look plastered on his face. "Anyway, she most likely felt my emotions and threw me the gun. And when she got hit in the shoulder I acted on instinct."

"By killing." Dick said sternly.

"By making sure I didn't break my promise. You knew what you were getting into when you accepted me to act in your place." Jason snapped hotly. Dick held his hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm not mad. God knows what would happen if you didn't act." He then pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just don't know about Raven. What you described worries me — letting her emotions getting the best of her, snapping at you, acting on impulse." Jason nodded at Dick as he was counting his fingers. After a moment, Jason sighed. "Look, it's been a rough morning, dude. The Tower is destroyed, Damian's been taken. But I'm sure Raven's going to be okay—"

"Knock on wood right now, Jason, because she's not." Tim Drake barged into the cockpit to alert the others. Dick and Jason shared a look before they followed Tim to the cargo hold in the back.

Jason and Dick stopped in their tracks. Before them laid Raven, twisting in some inconceivable pain as her skin tone grew a dark shade of red, and the second set of eyes on her forehead began to show.

She was losing herself to her demonic half.

Kori and Cyborg were trying their best to keep her still by pinning her shoulders firmly to the floor — but that was starting to prove in vain, even Cyborg was showing signs of strain trying to keep Raven still. Garfield and Jaime were assisting in any way they could.

"Okay, I take it back, she's definitely not going to be okay." Jason pointed at the mage looking at Dick. Dick in return punched his arm and kneeled beside Raven's side next to Kori. "What's going on, Tim?" Tim looked at his touchpad, showing the diagnostics of his patient. "Heart beat off the charts, brain activity is skyrocketing... I-I've never seen anything like this before. She was doing okay after I took the bullet lodged in her shoulder out! No signs of fever, either. She just started acting up like this five minutes ago!"

Jason shot his arms in the air. "Oh, fantastic, Tim! Really cleared that up, thanks!"

"Is it Trigon?" Dick asked no one in particular as he looked at the stone resting on Raven's forehead. The last thing everyone needed was Raven's demon dad come out and destroy the world. The purple gem didn't seem to be shining... nor were there any cracks evident. Cyborg shook his head. "Not that I can see. Tim, can you wake her up?" Tim swiped something on his touchpad, shaking his head. "Tried that after the procedure."

Just in that moment, Raven began convulsing. "Oh that's really not good." Jason muttered as he sprinted over to the med box that hung on a wall. He then sprinted to Dick who opened it, handing a wet wipe to Kori. "Kori, vein!" Kori grabbed Raven's hand and tapped it a few times, rubbing the top of her hand in search of a vein. "Got it!" Kori said and Dick, immediately grabbing a needle, punctured Raven's vein.

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