Oh, Brother. (Part Four!)

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If you told Damian that he'd be under sniper fire, stuck behind a heater unit crouching with his older brother, he'd probably be unfazed.

Because he wasn't. This was just another day on the job.

"Seriously, using a sniper at six-hundred meters is like that one guy who revs his engine in the middle of the night — we get it, you suck!" Todd, to Damian's disappointment, yelled the last part out loud over the heater. He quickly ducked down and was met with another shot from their assailant. He looked at Damian. "Okay, so that guy is using a suppressed military degree sniper. Probably using unmarked slugs and doesn't want to leave behind a trail or else he'd-"

"-kill us by now through this roof A/C unit that we're hiding behind." Damian finished his sentence with annoyance. They couldn't move from their position.
"If he's using unmarked rounds than why not finish us off? He couldn't be traced even if there were holes in this unit." Damian stuck a thumb at the cover thoughtfully. Todd groaned in response, as if he just realized he had finals the following day. "Unless we're dealing with a psycho who gets off at hunting his prey. Wouldn't we find this type at Gotham or Star City?" Damian scoffed. Leave it to Jason Todd to numb the seriousness of a situation. He turned to his elder brother. "What's the plan?"

He had the audacity to shrug.

"I don't know, improvise?"

Damian deadpanned at his response. "You're a hazard to society." He retorted justly. Jason laughed, as if that wasn't obvious. "Relax, on the count of three we'll jump off that ledge of the building," he pointed behind him and Damian. "And we'll use our grappling hooks to enter said building." He leaned over the A/C unit again to peak then quickly got under their assailant's line of sight when they were met with two more shots. "Six rounds used. One more (hopefully) in the mag." Damian shot a glare at Jason, "Hopefully?" Jason nodded as he began to unlace his boot. Damian raised an eyebrow as he did so and was met with a look from Jason as if he said "what?".

When he was done, Jason began to raise his boot over the cover of the unit.

Silence filled the nightly air.

Finally, a suppressed shot decimated it's heel. "1-2-3!" Jason said quickly to Damian as he dropped his ruined boot on the ground. They both sprinted for the edge and jumped; air ripped past their ears as they twisted to shoot their hooks, and hearing the distinctive sound of metal on rock they swung into one of the many windows of the building.

Glass bursted asunder as Damian executed a roll, eliminating any chances for unwanted glass to become lodged into his person. He got up and dusted himself off, looking around the room. It was littered with office cubicles.

The best spot for a takedown. How convenient.

He looked around again to find Jason, and found him surveying the fire exit to the Eastern side of the room from the windows. "What are you doing?" Jason looked over to Damian, flashing his signature grin. "Imagine being a military trained professional with a big gun — but can't get a kill within six-hundred meters." He scoffed, throwing his hands in the air. "Probably plays COD on his free time." Damian rolled his eyes as he surveyed the room once more. "Of course; make childish references when we're in a dire situation. Typical."

Jason bowed dramatically, waving his hand in front of him. "My most admiring trait."

"A shame, truly." Damian retorted.

They stared at each other for a short minute until they both broke into laughter. Yes, Damian liked being a Titan, but it didn't mean he didn't like being a Robin.

They both tensed when they heard the elevator in the far side of the room dinged, signifying that there was someone coming — most likely their truly terrible assailant.

Damian unsheathed his katana, brandishing it before taking cover behind a cubicle.

Jason did the same, while also taking out three batarangs. Each between his fingers in his tight fist.

The door opened, and a heavy foot fall was heard throughout the office room. Both batboys drew a deep breath. Damian jumped up and threw a smoke bomb as Jason dolphin dived out of his cover to throw his batarangs in a quick 1-2-3 succession.

No contact. The distinctive sound of the batarangs digging itself in the far side of the wall screamed of warming to both their ears. Every fiber in Damian's assassin trained mind urged him to move forward and meet the assailant head-on, but his training with his father urged him not to do so. Jason called out to the dissipating smoke in nonchalance, "Whom do we owe the pleasure?"

There was a deafening silence.

Then, a metallic voice cut through like a knife. "The Cult of Serpents send their regards, and I will enjoy this hunt." Damian threw a batarang at the direction of the voice, and a metal arm reached out from the darkness and caught the batarang.

The assailant stepped forward. Damian heard Jason muttering about how "everyone's got a theme nowadays" As their eyes laid upon the metal soldier. A cloak hung from his shoulders, it's hood covering his head which rested a helmet. It was not human. It's visor had a red light strobing back and forth. Jason laughed. "Someone got inspiration from Fallout and Robocop making you, huh?" There was no reply. Only the assailant raising it's gun to fire. Jason and Damian quickly dove for cover as the assailant rained fire upon them; ripping the cubicles to shreds. Damian crawled under the specks of cubicle falling on his back as he tried in vein to find cover that wasn't destroyed.

Jason was fairing more or less with a bullet grazing his left shoulder when he went for cover. Seriously, I thought the robotic nut-jobs were Flash's thing! He internally grimaced as he reached for his sidearm — only to realize he left it at the Tower. Jason clicked his tongue as he shook his head. Hopefully he'll get an opening. He looked at how Damian was doing, and deemed him to be fine.

The Assailant dropped his sniper and reached for their sword. The distinctive sound of steel unsheathing rose the interest of both Jason and Damian. "Let the hunt commence." The robotic voice of the Assailant called out.

Jason and Damian got up and looked at each other and shrugged. Jason "hm'd" as he threw his sword like a boomerang at the assailant, the robot swatted it away. "Foolish. I suspect such from a huma-" and stopped when they saw that Jason wasn't scared at all. He was smirking. The robot looked down, and noticed that a rope was wrapped around it's ankle. It looked up and found Damian smirking as well, holding his grappling gun.

Kat saw a lot of things happen in Jump City. But seeing a metal robot being thrown from one of the top windows from one of the tallest buildings in the city; plummeting to its doom and shattering into a million tiny parts on the street she was walking beside was definitely not one of them.

She texted her Mom, asking when the next therapy appointment was.

She was so ready to leave for college.

A/N: Sorry for the long delay! Had a ton of stuff to do! Anyway, enjoy this entry of Oh, Brother!

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