Breathe (Part Two!)

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The fact that he wasn't joking caused Damian to choke a little.

"She's my teammate."

"Who likes you."

"And that has something to do with this conversation because..?"

Jon put down the Lysol spray and facepalmed. The force of the action sent a gust of air. "You are seriously lacking in the romance department! Didn't you learn anything when you were at that super-ninja-assassin place??"

Damian stopped scrubbing the floor. "It's called the League of Assassins. And I learned the anatomy of the human body at the age of five and how to effectively kill someone."

Jon facepalmed once again. When he gave himself the mission of 'get the two emo love birds to admit they love each other' he never expected it to be this hard. "How romantic." Jon retorted with mock enthusiasm, cupping his face as he did so. "So, whenever you're in an awkward spot on a date you can swoon your partner with the history of murder." Damian only responded with a "Tt".

To a regular human being, the level of hotness from the water used in Raven's showers would burn the skin clean off.

But Raven wasn't a regular human being.

She took solace from the steaming hot water washing over her skin as she scrubbed her body clean. It was nice. Especially with the smell of watermelon shampoo in her hair and the body soap that accompanied it when she bought the duo a week ago with Donna.

Raven had to admit, Donna knew the right stuff to get.

The smell helped get herself ridden of the horrors of her dream. But the thing was, Raven knew that the minute she were to go back to sleep, she'd be put back in that... hell.

Such are the things that happen when your dear Father uses your emotions to trigger his jailbreak. Wonderful.

He almost succeeded, too. In the first week of Trigon's imprisonment, her dreams were filled with watching her team - her family - be tortured in front of her. But as she and Damian got closer, the dreams would transition to just Damian being tortured.

But this, this was entirely different.

She didn't want to go back to sleep. Pull an all-nighter? Disastrous. Ask Gar for some Five Hour Energy in the morning? No, that would most likely trigger a conversation about emotions that Raven would not want.

She just didn't want to sleep in her room. It didn't feel safe anymore. The walls were cracked, the door was broken (no, she couldn't blame Jon), her festive lights were destroyed; the glass lightbulbs broken and spread throughout the floor. Not only that, but the smell of Lysol would be too strong. After rinsing her skin off and turning the shower off as well, she decided that it'd be best that she would sleep in the common room. She pushed the shower curtain out of the way, and grabbed her towel. Her legs were still weak, but she could manage.

It was then when she caught her reflection in the mirror.

It was still foggy due to the heavy steam. She wiped it to reveal her face.

She was a wreck.

The bags under her tanzanite eyes were heavy and deep, and her cheeks were sunken. Most likely from the strain the crimson-colored crystal on her forehead for the past four years. On nights such as this, her sunken cheeks became more defined. You are weak. A voice came to her - but it wasn't owned by her Father. A burden. You allow some dream and some boy to cloud you? Pathetic. It was most likely the sleep that had caused her negative emotions to get to her. She took a deep breath. "Remember to breathe." Raven whispered to herself.

She dried herself off with the towel, and grabbed her bathrobe. She'd have to ask the two boys to leave her room shortly so she could grab proper clothes. She walked up to the door and leaned on it. "Hey, can you both leave for a minute?" She didn't have to say it loudly, knowing that Jon and his super senses could hear it.

"Yeah, of course! C'mon Damian, I need to see my puppy." She heard Jon through the door. She then heard Damian scoff audibly, "Titus is both mine and Raven's. No room for you."

"Sharing is caring." Raven heard Jon say in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, it seems that I don't care." Damian nonchalantly countered.

"But it's also Raven's." Jon responded.

"Ah, good point. Allow me to rephrase: It seems that I don't care for you." Raven could practically see the sarcastic smirk on his lips.

She softly giggled as she heard the two boys leave her room, still jokingly arguing to one another down the hallway. She sighed as she opened her bathroom door, and walked to her dresser and grabbed comfortable clothes. She grabbed black sweatpants and a Fall-Out Boy T-shirt and went back into her bathroom for it's privacy.

Afterwards, she grabbed her pillows and blanket and began to slowly move her way into the common room. It was 2:45 in the morning, and she was opting for a comfortable night filled with browsing Tumblr and drinking hot chocolate. Her stomach wasn't too bad now.

She was pleasantly surprised to find the smell of hot chocolate waiting for her when she entered the kitchen. Damian was at the stove, stirring the chocolatey goodness with ease. "How'd you know?" Damian didn't need to turn to her, but she felt a genuine kindness almost radiating from him. "Because I would do the same after a long night." Raven hummed in response. She noticed that a certain half-kryptonian was no where to be seen. "Where's Jon?" Damian turned to her, flashing his signature smirk. "I caved. He's in his room with Titus. Kept on saying he was going to give him 'all the good rubs'." Raven chuckled as she seated herself at the island-counter. "Aw, you do care." Damian scoffed while he grabbed two mugs and poured the liquid into them, offering one to Raven. "Don't say it too loud, he might hear you." Raven raised an eyebrow when she accepted the cup from him. "What's with the blankets?" Damian asked as he blew lightly into his cup.

"Decided to sleep in the commons area." Raven took a sip from her cup and appreciated the taste immediately. "I don't want to call Kori to open up a spare room." Damian simply hummed in response to this. "Do you want to talk about it?" Raven tensed up involuntarily, much to her disappointment. She took a deep breath and pushed her mug away from her.


She was shaking, he could see it. The hell her imagination conjured has clearly gotten to her. When he listened to the story he noted the detail that she described for him. After her shaking got too intense Damian decided not to press the matter further, and instead allowed the silence to surround the both of them. He needed time to think. Naturally he'd give her space for her to calm down and unwind. But what he saw tonight... it scared him. "What do you need?" He whispered to not disturb the silence. Raven looked up and met his eyes. He saw the pain and sadness - he's familiar with the look.

He sees it in the mirror everyday.

"I need some company." Raven whispered back.

Damian moved from the opposite of the counter to sit right next to her and gave her a genuine smile. "Well, I'm right here."

Raven hid her face into the crook of his neck and cried. In response Damian wrapped his arms around her. He knew she was strong. But sometimes even the strongest can become vulnerable.

And Raven was the strongest.

"You're safe. It's going to be okay. Just breathe."

"Who's a good boy? Yes you are!" Jon rubbed Titus's belly and smiled. "I think she's gonna be okay." Jon winked at the dog. "Now I gotta figure out my own love life... that's not gonna be too hard...


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