Oh, Brother. (Part Three!)

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"Hello. I'm Jason Todd. Some of you might know me by my alias, Red Hood, or know about me from Dick and Damian. Any questions?" Jason stated in his best "authoritative" voice that he could.

The Titans stood there in the commons room in front of Todd, with the afternoon sun breaking through the window. Kori and Stone sat on a couch close to the group. Damian stood next to Raven with his arms crossed over his chest with his eyebrows stitched. He couldn't help but think of what Todd had said earlier.

"How's the girlfriend?"

Damian saw Logan raise his green hand with a toothy grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, and dying is not a fun experience. Nor waking up from a pit that brings back the severely wounded while also taking a bit of their sanity. Any other questions?" Jason quickly said.

Beast Boy immediately brought his hand down.

Reyes was the next who raised a hand. "Um... Mr. Todd-"
Jason cocked his head to the side with a quiet sigh. "-Just Jason, thank you. Unless you're the hobbit sporting the turtle neck." Jason pointed at Damian, who rolled his eyes as he scoffed. Reyes glanced at Damian then looked at Todd. "Right, anyway, I was wondering why you are here?" Jason shot his hands up in the air. "Fuck if I know-" Kori shot Jason a deadly gaze. "Jason. Tone." Jason allowed a sharp exhale to slip out. "Sorry, fuck if I know, maybe to test your close-quarters combat? No, not you Tiny, I still have that scar on my thigh thanks to you. Any other questions?"

There was a silence. Jason clapped his hands together. "Okay, coolio. Ah.. you're all dismissed." When the Titans dispersed Raven shot Damian a quizzical glance, in which Damian only shrugged. "Where are you heading?" Damian pocketed his hands into his jeans as he walked along side Raven. "I don't know. Maybe train?" Damian raised an eyebrow when he saw Raven cover her mouth with a hand as she stifled a giggle. "What?" He asked after she got over her fit. "Not everything is about training, boy-blunder." Damian scoffed. "Preparation is key, like I always say-" Raven shushed him. "Don't even finish that sentence, Damian!" She laughed. They walked to no particular destination in mind, they just knew that they were walking in each other's company. Before they knew it, they were out in the sun with the grass gently blowing in the wind; the smell of summer in the air. The sky was perfect, not a cloud in site. Damian inwardly cursed for wearing a black turtle neck, however. Even though he was trained and conditioned to adapt to any weather, this was an annoyance that could easily be avoided. Nevertheless, he was within the company of Raven.

He was not going to ruin the moment.

"So, why is Jason here?" He heard Raven inquire. Damian looked down to the grass to let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Can we talk about it later?" There was a silence before she said "Okay."

He didn't need to see the concern on Raven's face.

He felt his phone buzz before he pulled it out to check who it was from.

From: Smart-ass
Yo, you down for patrol tonight?

I'll let you driiiive!

Damian pocketed his phone before looked up to the sky, as if once again looking for a higher power to give him relief from the embarrassing situation that he was in. "Apologies, Raven. But it appears that Todd needs me for one of his famous escapades tonight." Raven shook her head with a smile. "Well, be sure to text me if there's any trouble or when you're done, okay?" Damian scoffed, "If he doesn't drive me insane, first."


That night, Robin and Red Hood stood on top the same building he and Raven stood on the other night in Jump City. The smell of gasoline and cigarette smoke evident in the streets below. "You do know that there's been no calls for half of a week, right?" Damian grunted to his brother who casually had his hands behind his head. He made a switch up in his attire, ditching the biker helmet and going for more of a techno ninja look, like from one of Logan's movies — that's what Damian was reminded of, anyway — with a red hood over his head, a black domino mask on his face and a red tactical mask that covered the bottom half of his face. He sported a red vest over a black T-shirt which showed a red bat symbol, showing his affinity with Batman. On his back was his own katana, much like Damian's but with red tape around the hilt of the blade. He looked menacing, but Damian knew the man underneath the mask. Todd also wore gray khakis, and to complete his attire he wore black military boots that went up to his shin. He waltzed up to the ledge Damian was on looking over the city. "And you do know that this was a ruse so that we can have brother-to-brother talk, right?" Damian smacked his head into his hands and groaned. Seriously? "And I thought Richard would do something like this." Jason snorted. "Hey, when it comes to chicks I'm your guy. Dick doesn't have any game with girls — why do you think he's dating someone who literally isn't from here?" Damian glared at the hooded vigilante. "This is not the place nor time to talk about my love life." Jason cuffed Damian's shoulder. "So... you admit to having a love life?" Damian could practically see the shit-eating smile behind Todd's mask. If looks could kill Damian would've committed first-degree murder. "This is going to be a long night, isn't it?" But Damian was met with peaceful silence for the first time since they hand embarked on their patrol.

For Jason didn't pay him any mind, but at the glare of a sniper-scope 600 meters from where they were, shining brighter than any star overhead. Jason tugged at Damian's sleeve so he could see as well.

"Oh, definitely."

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