Oh, Brother. (Part Eight!)

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A/N: Thank you for +6,000 reads! Holy shit! I'm so amazed that you all are enjoying my writing; I'm grateful.

Remember to comment and vote, and stay frosty.

Raven Roth, half demoness spawned from the Devil himself through unjust means, has seen and experienced things a little girl should never have witnessed. She lived in the inter dimension known as Azarath when she was learning to walk and grew up to try and control her unruly and unique nature, to control the demon inside of her.

Even there she was avoided by the people of that realm.

The daughter of all things evil. They'd constantly whisper when she would pass the monks.

Funny, truly, how the sins of the father get handed down to the child with no apology nor indication why.

And when Azarath was destroyed? She found herself on Earth, in the streets of New York in the dead of Winter.

Young, scared and starved.

Until the most unlikely of people came.

She was walking down one of the poorly lit alleyways of nighttime New York in search of scraps, when she stopped cold in her tracks in fear. She knew that feeling.

That feeling of magic.

But this wasn't calm, soothing and controlled.. not like the monks on Azarath. It was chaotic. Angry. Filled with malice. A snarl came from one of the darkest of shadows in the alleyway. "The spawn. We've found it." Its voice was like nails on a chalk board.

A growl was heard in response, turning Raven's blood cold. She mustered her magic in a ball and shot it at one of the silhouettes in the shadows.

It did nothing. The demon stopped by upholding its clawed hand.

The demon cackled. "He will be pleased."

She wanted to scream, but her lungs wouldn't allow it. She wanted to run, but her legs were stiff.

Her throat was dry.

She clenched her jaw shut and closed her eyes tightly. Scared of what was to come next. She was utterly defenseless.

And weak.

Too weak.

"Ah! Here's where you bloody devils ran off too." A thick Liverpool accent shot through the alleyway. The snarling of the demons stopped, and Raven opened her eyes.

Down the hallway stood a grizzled man, with a cigarette alight between his lips. His blonde hair was disheveled and unkept. To Raven, he looked like a lawyer that had a bad day: his tie was loose upon his neck, his white dress shirt was dirty, and the light brown long coat he wore had seen much better days.

"Pay no heed, mortal. This doesn't concern you." The demon Raven had shot stepped from its hiding place and grounded itself in between her and the man. Its body mangled and evil, snapping its jaw and showing its fangs. But to Raven's bewilderment, the man laughed.

He clicked his tongue. "Nah, mate, any demon's business automatically makes it mine. Just the rules, mate."

The demon pounced, but the man punched — yes, punched — the demon before it could even dare touch him. "That was for making me chase you throughout the damn city." The man shook his hand, before closing it into a fist. "Alright then, let's dance." The second demon came into view to assist the first. "You shall pay dearly for that." But before it could regroup with its comrade, the man's eyes glowed green, and muttered a chant that caused the earth before them to crack and open a portal, forcing the two creatures to slip and fall in it. The man then clasped his hands and the portal vanished as quick as it came, returning the ground to normal.

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