From the Top (Illigal Activities II)

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All of it was annoying.

Nearly four hours of waiting after he and Raven touched ground they had to sit put: a small clearing that was besieged by woods and rocks. Why? Well, when you're in a island-country that is currently undergoing a coup, a civil war, and violent protest throughout along with possible missiles you tend to get a little... anxious.

Not that Damian was anxious, per se, but he definitely was not calm.

He held a finger up to his ear. "Status?"

Damian heard some static before Grayson's voice came through. "Sensors picked up seven armed patrols around you. Seems they knew you two were coming; advise to keep hold."

"Copy." Damian replied.

Damian heard voices come from a tree line west of them, and advised Raven to go prone by leveling his forearm and lowering it repeatedly. She got the memo, and did as he asked. Damian then did the same and strained his ears to pick anything up.

"What was that thing that flew over the sky? We picked up something but it was invisible?" A voice was heard. Light and carefree. He sounded green.

"Ehhh, beats me. But if the boss says we should check it out, we should." The second guy sounded like someone who was seasoned. Probably a squad leader?

Damian heard the first man snort. "Could be that the machine failed, or made an error."

The two men stepped out from the treeline and onto the field. Damian slowed his breathing. They weren't in a distance to effectively take them out. Don't come any closer. Damian inwardly  said. It was too dark to see if they have spotted them, but they had lights attached to the barrels of their AK-47's.

The leader shined his light on him, and Damian's heart stopped. Shit, he's done...

"Nothing here. This sector is clear."


What the hell?

When they had gone, Raven crouched next to him. "You're welcome." Damian turned to her, and scoffed. "I had that."


Grayson's voice shot through to both of them. "Alright. You both are clear to move to the safe house. A click North of where you are. When you get there, call through the secured line you have on your pad."

Damian nodded, and when Grayson hung up Damian rolled his shoulders. "Right. We need to change. I'll move over there and you stay here." Raven raised an eyebrow.

Afterwards, they went on their way. Raven couldn't help but notice how Damian looked. Instead of his usual turtleneck and jeans, Damian sported a light long-sleeved green shirt that went well with his already tan scarred skin. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his scarred forearms and his black watch on his left wrist. He wore light brown khakis and boots to accompany the shirt. Raven hated to admit it, but he looked nice.

Damian couldn't help but notice how she looked, too. She wore a gray tank-top over a navy blue sports bra with blue jeans, and the colors brought out her tanzanite eyes. She wore a cap on her head that promptly covered the red gem that sat on her forehead. It was very different to how he was used to seeing her.

He cleared his throat to expel his thoughts. "So, how'd you do that?" Raven matched his step and walked by his side. "Magic." Raven subtly enjoyed the fact that Damian was getting out of his shell around her. But making small talk was neither of their strong suits. "Um, how far out are we?" She asked. Damian shrugged. "We'll get there before noon, by my count."

"We could use a portal."

"We could, yes, but we shouldn't. This is new to the both of us." His stomach began to grumble as if it very much disagreed with Damian. Raven shouldered her backpack and rummaged through it as they walked. Eventually, her hand made purchase, and she pulled out a granola bar. She handed it to Damian, who opened it and divided it in two. He then shared a half with her.

"I guess you're right. The scenery is nice, too." Raven carried on the conversation.

The part of the island that her and Damian landed in was the southern point, where lush trees and rocks laid the most dormant, and dominated most of the island. Towns and populated areas were more so on the western and eastern coasts, where fishing towns and mining towns were located.

And where the chaos was found.


And they continued on their way.

Words: 763.

A/N: Small chapter. I have been working on that Damirae original story and am drawing up plans.

It is going to be widely different from "oh, brother". Don't worry, Jason will play a big part, but I have plans.

So stay tuned. I'll continue to (try to) post here as I edit chapters on my other work.

Thank you for reading!

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