Oh, Brother. (Part Six!)

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The winds outside were calm. The leaves bristled while the air moved ever so nicely towards the river that separated Titans Tower from the main land of Jump City. The smell of freshly cut grass (courtesy of Garfield) brought a sense of summer to Raven. The evening sun shone lightly on the green grass, warming Raven. It was excellent.

It was needed.

She meditated on the lawn, levitating in her usual spot with the tree canopy overhead giving her shelter, all the while Raven muttering her mantra over and over again to calm the voices in her head. To steady herself.

Foolish waste of life. How dare you have the audacity to withhold me from my rightful takings of your pitiful world; it's pitiful existence!

The voice of her father, thick in anger and echoing like thunder in a drum, scorned her. It was easy to hold him captive within the maze of her mind, but she's been slipping.

It is because of your human attachment, child. That boy you're so enamored with is loosening your mind... making it murky and muddy. Truly pitiful, for your sake!

He bellowed in malevolent laughter. Raven clasped her hands together with a final "Azarath Metrion Zynthos" to put a gag over his mouth. It would be no use: he'd be shouting in a few hours time. But it was just a few hours needed for her to recompose herself.

Please, just shut the fuck up. She groaned as she stood up and rubbed her aching neck. So much for a beautiful evening.

Just then, Raven felt a presence approach her. She smiled politely as Jason Todd waved a simple hi.

"Enjoying the weather, Jason?" Raven asked.

He stopped and breathed in deeply the fresh air. "Yes, while also trying to figure out why you skipped lunch." Jason quipped. Raven looked at him dryly. Jason countered with an amused smirk and held his hands up. "Relax, your business is your business. Kori asked me to check on you since I'm acting team helper. It's almost dinner time."

Raven nodded, and caught a sidearm strapped to Jason's hip. "Well, if you're going to check up on a kid, it's probably best to do it without a firearm." She said dryly. Jason looked at what she was pointing at, and chuckled. "Well, when you've gone through hell and back you tend to be on your toes." He waved for her to follow.

She did, and walked besides him.

Jason's emotions were different and confusing for Raven the first few days of sensing them. It was full of anger and hate, wrapped with guilt and distrust. But it mended with his humor, calmness and tranquility. Rather than having them separate. Sure, she knew people that mended both positive and negative emotions, but with Jason it was unique. She remembered asking Damian about it before, with him simply shrugging and saying, "With half the complications he's been through, I for one cannot blame him."

"I know all to well what that's like." Raven muttered. Half to herself and half to Jason.

Jason lifted his hands behind his head. "So I've heard. Seriously, having an asshat in your head at all times? Jesus."

Raven scoffed good heartedly. "Careful, Kori doesn't like that language."

"Whoops! Another quarter in the swear jar. She's never heard Damian swear. Now that's a potty mouth." Jason countered.

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