Prank Wars

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Damian Wayne, the Son of Batman, sat at ease on his bed in his room. He tapped away at his computer, documenting everything so far that has happened during his time with the Titans. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking at his turtle neck shirt. He really needed to find something else to wear besides the same thing. Well, at least his gray sweatpants were comfortable.

First, for the eight months he's been here, he's saved the world twice. Not bad in League of Assassin's standards. Extremely not bad in Titan's standards. At first, he extremely disliked this strange place. How Kori was so maternal with everyone was kind when Damian was used to stern and unloving. Thus was the way in Nanda Parbat.

Second, Damian was still getting used to how... loose the Titans were. Don't get him wrong, there was training and taking down enemies. But "fun" activities? Such as the carnival? Karaoke? It was this that left him perplexed.

It was this that made him stand out from the others. Ostracized from any community or group he wished to accompany. He appreciates Grayson and Kori, he truly does. But, sometimes, being the only one with a rough backstory is kind of daunting.

Well, not the only one. Damian mentally corrected.

Raven could be an uncouth pain in his ass most times, but it was her that he feels the closest to. And, in a way, so was he to her. It was a balance. Besides, he was sure he wasn't a — how does Todd put it? "A ray of fucking sunshine, either"?

But there was one thing that was an absolute pain in Damian's ass, was the prank wars. Not only was it confusing for Damian that people would do outlandish inappropriate things to another's belongings, but that everyone found enjoyment in doing so. Even Grayson and Kori would take part in Logan and Reyes's crazy endeavors. Even Raven on a good day.

Damian wasn't new to them, per se, it's just that Alfred banned them from the manor after what Todd did to Drake. Something involving paintball guns in the house? This was before Damian ever even arrived to Gotham.

And it wasn't just belongings. It was their body's as well. Just the other day Kori came to the kitchen with golden glitter in her face, thanks to the likes of Raven and Grayson.

And the thing that made Damian's eyes widen in absolute mute shock was that she laughed.

He stopped typing. The clock on his display showed 7:44am. Only sixty seconds more of relaxing silence before the others are up. He sighed heavily, and decided to get ready for the day. He got up and briskly walked to his door to open it.

It didn't budge.

They did not. Damian grumbled to himself. He tried again.


He swore he heard laughing on the other side of the door. He grunted, and began to hotwire the door's control panel. Funny thing about high-end doors the Justice League gave out, it had a "Bat-Switch" that helped Batman to easily and effectively get through a locked door.

Damian pried open the control screen, exposing its wires. He reached all the way to the back, searching for something in particular. He smirked when he felt a bat-like symbol and pressed it.

To Damian's seething anger, it did nothing.

This meant only one thing.

Grayson was in on this as well.

Damian stepped back and looked around the room. He saw the air vent that connected his room and Logan's. He moved his desk directly under it to help give him a boost up to the vent-grate. He opened it with ease, and peered into the air vent to the other side.

Something was blocking the other end.

"Logan. If you're in on this as well I'll personally see to it that training is an absolute hell for you." Damian said as calmly as he could. He received no response, other than the green changeling's laughter.

Damian groaned, and looked towards the window. He could see if he could break it and climb down? Doable, but he'd receive an earful. So that's a no-go. Try the vent opposite of the one leading to Logan's? No. They probably blocked that off as well.

He could ask for assistance from a certain mage? Well, that seemed like an only option. He went to his nightstand by his bedside and grabbed his phone to text Raven.

Could you get me out of my room?

He waited a few minutes for a response.


So, either she could also be in on this (which was highly unlikely) or she could be in her own predicament. How fun.

Just then, a portal opened up in his room. Without a second thought, he walked into it.

He found himself in Raven's room.

He looked around, and she was nowhere to be seen.

"Up here, Damian." He heard a very unamused voice coming from the ceiling. He glanced up, and tried very hard to refrain from a snort.

Raven Roth, the powerful mage, was stuck on the ceiling. She was wearing a black tank top and black sleep-shorts.

"Before you ask, no. I can't get out of this." Raven said. She was probably stuck like this for hours.

"Who did this?" Damian asked instead.

"Kori. I think it's some kind of alien super-glue from her home world."

"Alright. Let's see what we can do."

* * *

It took some time, but Damian got her out. Yes, the glue was extremely sticky, and threatened to entrap Damian as well. But with his batarangs and skillful swordsmanship he harmlessly cut Raven's way out. She stretched and grabbed her phone. "You were stuck too?" She asked. "Yep." He practically grumbled.

"Well," she said, cracking her fingers, "should we give them payback?" Damian scoffed. "Absolutely." He opened his phone and began scrolling through his contacts. "And I know just the person to call."


Dick Grayson stood in front of Damian's door, snickering to himself. "How's everything on your end, Gar?"

"Pretty good. I think he's given up." Dick nodded, and turned to Jaime Reyes. "Alright, let's open her up."

"You know he's going to be pissed, right?" Jaime shook his head and did what he was told. The door opened with a swoosh and Dick's color drained from his face. "Uh... Gar?" He called.


"You said everything was good."

"It is! What? Is he go-"

Heavy footfalls came running down the hallway. Dick furrowed his eyebrows in absolute confusion. What in the-

He only had a glimpse of who it was before a paint ball hit him straight in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Jaime Reyes began to run for his life, but even he could not outrun the hell-spawn. A paintball hit him square in the back.

Garfield Logan thought that being a bird would lessen his chances of being hit.

He was wrong.

"Alright, I think it's time to let them out, boys." Kori called as she turned to the hallway. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the carnage mayhem that had occurred. Red paint splattered the walls in various shapes and sizes. The boys sprawled out on the floor, paint covering them as well.

And one Jason Todd, in full paintball tac gear, standing over the groaning bodies. He pumped his paint gun and raised it at Kori.

"Nothing personal." He smiled.

"They promised me Gushers."

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