Chapter 4

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Thea was given a room and time to unpack, not that she actually had much. Having spent her life at camp, she didn't have any truly personal items except her thermos, her ring, which transformed into a sword when twisted, her bracelets, which turns into a bow and a quiver of arrows when the charms are pulled, and the other that turned int a shield with an owl on it, and her necklace, that she has had since birth. All of her weapons are charmed to return to her if dropped or taken. Her mother had given it to her after she was born since Niklaus apparently gave her one.

She out her single pair of jeans in the drawer, along with two pairs of shorts, and a pair of gyms shorts. She put her four camp shirts in the drawer across from it and her undergarments in the top drawer. She put her nightshirts in the same drawer. She took a sip from her thermos and smiled. She walked downstairs from her room and went outside. She decided to check out the woods, maybe shoot some arrows at a tree.

She ran around the forest and found nothing of interest, meaning no monsters, for now.

She pulled her bow and arrow charms and notched the first arrow. She launched it into a tree, rolling around as if dodging things, and loosening another arrow afterward. She did this several times, swapping between two different trees. She has split several arrows and has amazing grouping. Eventually, she hears that someone is coming and lets go of the bow and arrows, which causes them to turn back into the bracelet, including the arrows she had shot.

"What's up?" she asks, turning and seeing Kol.

"What are you doing out here?" he asks her.

"I got bored, so I was exploring. Meaning I was getting myself familiar with my surroundings," she answered him.

"Alright, what was that constant thumping sound?" he asks, suspiciously.

"I'm not too sure, anyway, am I needed back at the house?" I ask him, changing the subject.

"Yeah, it's time for dinner. When was the last time you had blood?" he asks, looking at her with some worry in his eyes.

"After I finished unpacking my book bag," Thea answered honestly.

"Really?" Kol asked, not completely believing her.

"Yep. I have blood in that thermos I carry around, so I am never without blood. This is very helpful when you have to deal with people you care about getting hurt constantly and bleeding. It helped me control my impulses when my friends got hurt," Thea answered.

"Sounds like it. Anyway, we need to head back. Nik was about to send out a search party when I remembered I saw you run off to the woods behind the house," Kol explained.

Thea laughed and flashed back to the house, followed by Kol.

Kol knew she wasn't telling him the truth, it was obvious, not by her expressions or anything, but by the sounds he heard. Plus he was aware of the holes that were in the two trees near them. They were all centered around one spot on each tree. He also heard the snapping of what sounded like a bowstring hitting the arms of the bow when it releases an arrow.

The only problem was that he didn't see any arrows or a bow. 

She knew he suspected something, however, she couldn't tell him yet. Well, she could, she just didn't want to be turned away from her family because of it. She was scared. She was also worried about the nightmares she gets. She's been to Tartarus seven times and been in a ton of battles, she has PTSD, whether she admits it or not, is up to her. She will probably do what she does at camp, cast a spell that keeps the sound inside her room, or at camp, around her bed only.

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