Chapter 11

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Klaus and Rebekah led everyone to the living room. There they started to explain everything that they had learned.

"Part of the reason Thea said she would start training tomorrow was that telling us all that she did triggered some flashbacks and unwanted memories. It's why me and her missed lunch," Niklaus explained.

"When I brought them both the food, I asked some questions. It led to a long conversation about how the gods and goddesses don't really care about their children, and cannot interfere with demigod issues. Thea called them 'prideful, lazy mother fuckers.' She explained how she has fought in several wars, having played both soldier and general, several times," Rebekah said.

The others nodded in understanding.

"To add to what Rebekah just said. Before Rebekah joined us, Thea had told me that she was expected to start fighting in the battles when she was twelve. She also mentioned several wars that we know, that seemed human, but were actually Greek Mythology wars. For example, World War II was between the children of Zeus and Posideon, against the children of Hades. She also mentioned that she has fought in almost every war after that one. She then listed like eight wars that were Greek mythology-based, and had said that she didn't lead two of them," Klaus said.

They all sat in shock at that revelation, not sure how to take it or how to react.

"So anyway, she eventually taught me how to Iris Message, something about human technology not being safe anymore, now that I know what I am," Rebekah said.

"This worked out, because Hermes had mentioned that she needed to IM Apollo, for a prophecy," Klaus said.

"What is the prophecy?" Kol asked, understanding how prophecies work and such.

'Thea then said what the prophecy is,

'The eldest daughter of Wisdom shall run this quest.

With family and blood she'll invest.

She will lead them in an epic battle,

Against the father of her mother's father's father.

her and two others will visit a place she dreads the most,

To save the stolen soul, bringing it back to the land of the living.

The two forces will come face to face before the summer solstice,

Though saving the soul will need to be done before the end of this month.

No one form any camp can help

For this is the only way.'

Rebekah spoke the prophecy, then added, "When Apollo finished, even he was pale. Thea, who was also pale, asked if there was anything else she needed to know. Apollo told her that Hephestaus asked him to tell her that Freya's spear has electricity, and that Hope's, Freya's, and Davina's weapons can also be used to channel their magic. Not sure how you can channel your magic through a bow and arrow, but you're creative enough, and Thea can probably come up with something as well."

The others did not say anything for several minutes as they let everything sink in.

"She has led several wars, fought in more than that, and now she has to do it again!?" Davina exclaims.

"Apparentally. She said I should be grateful I was 'claimed' a thousand years or so late. I am starting to see why. Her life makes ours look like a walk in the park. And we have a thousand more years of experience than her!" Rebekah agreed.

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