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"In my defense, I would like to submit that I am not guilty of the slightest thing!" "Silence Jonathan this point is no longer debatable, your brother has made a clear statement. You have brought shame on the head of the nobility of your family." The words of the judge cut sharply through the air in the tense hall. My gaze turned to the floor. "But, it can't be so... so bad... you are wrong, it's unfair! Hear me, I will do everything to send my brother free!"

My little 16-year-old brother Henry raised his protest, but the judge ignored the little one. I raised my eyes, why should it be him who stood up for me, why didn't I stand up and acquit myself? With this motivation, I rose and wanted to make a statement, but the ice-cold look of my brother Theodore, made me freeze. Silently he seemed to tell me that I should remain silent. My blood began to boil, anger rose in me. How did this rogue get the idea of telling me what to do! Then my eyes fell on little Henry, his hands trembled like leaves and his face was turned into a worried pout.

I would have loved to hug him but there was my reputation to protect. "Jonathan Morchester first heir to the throne of the Royal Family! Because of lewd behavior and damage to the family's reputation you are disinherited as heir to the throne and withdrawn! The throne is transferred to the second son of the family, Theodor Morchester!" , what this announcement meant was clear, all understandable, but unjust! Although I had no desire for my father's throne, I did not let such impudence go with me! My brother had no right to  inherit the throne! He was far too young to be considered a legitimate ruler.

"I would like to tell something in the young master's defense," were the words of my faithful companion Alexander. "Rejected!" shouted the judge, but I knew my friend all too well, just letting go was not his style. "Sir Jonathan may have made a fatal slip, but the only witness is his brother Sir Theodor, this cannot be clearly interpreted as proof of his guilt!" this was a clear statement from a respected man, but the fact that he had such a strong bond with me made his words invalid. "This objection will not be entertained because of ungentlemanly conduct and ignorance of the Judge." Now the man turned to me: "Defendant, Sir Jonathan, will you acknowledge the measures that were read out?" despite Theodore's gaze I now stood up, I was a nobleman, despite all my faults I had a reputation to uphold. "To my great regret I must inform you that I will not, of course, give in to your demands. I have done nothing wrong which would have such consequences. My brother is wrong to claim that I did it without her full consent." Shortly it became quiet. I hoped that the accusation which Theodore had made against me was really about this. But as it turned out, there was probably a modified version of the story. I had a bad feeling. "It seems to us that you are not informed of the depth of your crime." Now my ears were wide open. A sneering grin came over my brother's face. "You are fortunate that the new church reformation has abolished the death penalty." ...and I lost my patience. "Forgive my impudence to ask, what custom shall have borne me to do what I shall have done" with exalted language I thus addressed my word to the judge. Tension was in the hall, now it would finally be announced what I should have done.

"It is very painful to hear that our beloved king's son has had a relationship with a gender of the same kind." Silence prevailed until both Alexander and myself truly began to laugh with amusement. ... "I did what?" this was the end of the noble language. "Ha ha ha, I haven't heard anything so amusing in a long time," but the laughter soon got stuck in my throat, because a servant was led in. I swallowed this lady was well known to me. I had only 2 days ago ... ,so it came out on the thing with the, ... Alexander also seemed to understand. He and I had made ourselves a nice evening the day before yesterday, where of course a lot of wine had flowed, we had some bad thoughts, but even when drunk I would never have the idea to do it with a person of the same sex, but as this girl stood in front of me I became more and more aware of how skillfully Theodore had planned it. I was sure I had been with a girl but this man in front of me resembled her so closely that it would be impossible to convince the judge of my innocence. 

"Well Sir Jonathan, are you at a loss to see how much we know about your affair?" how should I answer? I could deny everything and set the record straight, but somehow I knew it would be of no use. Alexander, on the other hand, was still trying his luck "This is not true!" "You!" he turned his gaze towards the obviously terrified boy. "Has Sir Jonathan ever touched you?" but he could easily have spared himself this question. As naturally the man nodded and let his obnoxiously droll look roam the room. I have no idea what Theodore had offered him, so that he would stick to his statement. I sighed and sent Alex a warning look, he couldn't change anything about this tricky situation either. "So the last doubt about the young gentleman's guilt has been eradicated. Let us now come to the punishment" three other judges stood up and one of them addressed me "We ask you to apologize us if talk  for a short discussion, we will go to the other room for that." Alex wanted to file another complaint, but I warned him. "All right, in the meantime, would I be allowed to have a word with my sweet little boy? Alexander will make sure I keep my hands to myself." A nod from the judge gave me permission to do so. With a proud step I approached the "audible victim". When I had come close enough, I put my dignity aside a little and spoke softly so that only Alex and he could hear me. "Well, what did he offer you to stand here instead of your twin sister and say I raped you?" With the twin sister I had probably hit the bull's eye, because my counterpart flinched. "Um, I'm/we're sincerely sorry, we had to... it was extremely important!" I rolled  my eyes, they all said so, but the people of this city were by no means so poor as to overthrow their future king for the alms of Theodore. So he certainly had not bribed them with money. 

"Very important, then... So important that you were prepared to betray Sir Jonathan?" Alexander hacked, after which I forced him to be silent with a stern look. "What has he promised you?" I inquired again, his gaze wandered, my premonition was confirmed. "Damn him, that scoundrel! He's an instigator of innocent people..." I did not get any further, because the meeting seemed to have come to an end. We had to get back to our seats. "Sir Jonathan, we have come to a decision. In view of your situation and your deeds, we have ruled out imprisonment for the time being, but you will be denied an Imperial Exile, as well as your title and the membership of your family will be taken away from you. Therefore, as of today, your name is Jonathan Morrow. I gasped for breath, wasn't Exile the worse punishment than a few months in prison? Or was this imprisonment limited to more than a few months? "Do you agree with your punishment?" Given my situation, contradiction didn't make much sense. All I could do was  to agree. My entire existence, everything I thought I owned was gone, every single part of my body seemed to protest. Of course, I did not agree with this measure! "We therefore ask you to immediately pack your things and leave this realm. We leave it up to you whether you wish to take any of your subjects with you." You could see how the man's gaze went to Alexander. So you wanted to get rid of him too... but not with me! "I thank you for your generous offer, but I cannot accept this. I will go alone", it had become clear to me while I was saying these words, what Theodore had intended with this decision, that sneaky bitch!

A few hours later I was standing outside the walls of the town, with only the most necessary things in my luggage. They had posted guards at the gate to check that I would not back down. I never thought of it that way, but I didn't need this kingdom, only Henry and Alex would be greatly missed. I set out to leave, but only a few minutes had passed when I heard a rustling from a bush on my right, shortly afterwards something fell around my neck. "Jonathan, big brother, don't go, or take me with you!" Henry clung to me, tears flowed down his cheeks, tears such as I had not seen since the leaving of our father. "Please don't, don't leave me alone!" my arms held him tight and then I pushed him a little bit of me. "Listen Henry, I cannot take you with me, we would be persecuted and locked up, besides, Alexander needs you now, urgently! Take good care of him for me, will you?" The small one wiped away his tears and nodded bravely. "Very well, as you wish, great king!" he exclaimed and saluted for fun. I grinned, that was more like my little brother. Then I shouldered my luggage again and wanted to leave. "And I will do everything to make sure that you can return as soon as possible!" once more I turned to him. His look was clearly, his expression serious, he radiated dignity and determination. Henry would certainly become a decent and just man in the future. With this thought in the back of my mind I set out on my journey. It would take me far away.

Here the first chapter of my new Story, English is not my first language, so please forgive me for grammar or vocab mistakes.
Whatever, hope you like it, would be happy to geht some Votes or Comments😊

Yours Tsuna-saw-ada

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