20. Henry

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The hours dragged on terribly slowly. Being unable to do anything was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Whining to myself, I lay on the floor in the dust, feeling sorry for myself. Suddenly the key turned in the lock. finally. Or did it? Because I still didn't know what to expect. I hid my face in fear of the guy who was going to buy me.

"That's him? Pathetic... Why is he on the floor? Didn't you teach him respect? No manners taught!" he railed loudly and before I even had a chance to raise my eyes, two strong hands grabbed my collar and pulled me up. "Look at me, boy," he demanded. Stunned and outraged, I gasped for breath. How could he dare, but the sight of my new "owner" made me draw a line under that statement. It was the kind of man with whom one did not want to start a quarrel.

"Shrewd look, tousled hair, I'll straighten him out. I like that... ...can work hard." He released his grip abruptly and I staggered backwards. "What do you want for the boy?" he asked the Boss. The Boss seemed to think it over and finally said calmly: "Let's make 20 silver coins. "A special offer for you." I held my breath again. Twenty pieces of silver? That was certainly not nearly as much as Theodore would have paid for my finding. An impertinence, really. Yet no one asked me... I wanted to protest, but I didn't. It would not help me, no on the contrary. So I had no choice but to bow to my fate.

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