Alexander 2

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A throbbing pain settled in his head when he woke up. He groaned in agony and turned to the other side. Opposite the bed stood a chair in which Henry had dozed off. So HE had not left him alone. Gratitude towards the boy, spread in Alex. He wanted to tell him that too, but the dizziness in his brain didn't let him form clear words. "Oh... damn ...", he murmured, which tore Henry from his sleep, although it was only spoken very softly.

"Uahh," he stretched out his hands and yawned heartily. "You're up already?" Alex had to smile despite his hangover. The little black-haired king's son took the tense situation very calmly. He was like a carefree child, cute as the little baby of the royal family. "Well Alexander, I've thought of something," Henry began with a grin. The servant became very attentive. "So... What is it? There was a pause, the boy made it exciting. "Well, we're going to look for my brother!" Alex felt as if he had been hit in the head. "What the hell? John said...", but Henry stifled this protest in a torrent of words. "Look, we're gonna do some recon around here and then we're gonna go out there and tell Jonathan everything. As a result he can then assemble an army and with this we will fall ...", this time it was the elder who interrupted the youngest brother's flow of speech. "You want John to send an army against his own people and his brother?" He sat up moaning and scratched his head. "Henry! You're not serious, are you?" His disbelieving look made the man across the room laugh. "All right, all right. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. But we have to do something. He is my brother, the rightful king! And he's your best friend." You could tell by the tone of his voice he was having trouble with it. "We'll find a way," Alex reassured him. Henry just nodded, grabbed the guitar standing next to him in the corner and did it the way his big brother would do it in tense situations. Singing a song to drive away the gloomy thoughts. The faithful friend hummed to the melody and for a short time they forgot what a predicament they were in.

We just want to be with you in this moment forever
'Cause I want to find precious memories
You will tell the story on when these dreams will come true
So let's keep on walking 'til we reach the end
'til we reach the end

Over the next days and weeks the two of them brooded over various ways out. They had decided to gather information together, but this turned out to be not so easy. After all, Theodore had made his announcement come true and actually put a guard at Henry's side. He could still spend time with Alexander, but only in their own rooms.

Above the song he sang, below a link to a video (I don't know if this is possible) that I think is quite nice, with the song, anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story...

Song: The Storyteller of My First Story

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