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After this strange performance David let the three of them explain themselves. "Well, who is this person? Please tell me Tom and Tam," he asked them. You could clearly see them swallowing. Tam finally raised the word: "Well... this is no one other than the..." But the dark brown-haired man quickly interrupted her: "I don't know how familiar you are with these two, Mr. Magician. But I am a kind of acquaintance. Good acquaintance, my heart had indeed beaten for this woman for a while, but I am over this unrequited love," he explained and it was not even a complete lie. He had indeed shown interest in Tam, but what interested him more than a description of his life was the reason why the twins were with the wizard.

His eyes fell curiously on Tamora who, after a short thought, told him: "After we had left our realm, we realized that despite the money we had, it was not easy to survive. That is why we were looking for a place where there was work ..." she looked at David, looking for help. The Tall Blond Guy took the floor. "And since I had met her before and we had a conversation, the idea of hiring her developed. ... Now the twins are part of my show and I am very happy with them," he ended and smiled bittersweetly. The man's voice fascinated John, which is why he didn't realize at first or at the end that he had stopped speaking. He hung on his mouth until suddenly he became aware of the silence. "Uh", he tried to gain time and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "So that was it... ha ha, yes, you've been through quite a lot," he remarked stammeringly and immediately felt the magician's gaze waiting for him. What should he do now? David generously gave him a saving hint. "And you are ...?"

And you are...? He pointed to his name. What should it be? Jonathan chose to stay close to the truth. "My name is Jonathan, Jonathan Morrow," he said almost too solemnly. "And as I have already learned, you are the great wizard David Yavildore, are you not?" The blond seemed amused, but then he more seriously relented, "Almost, it's just a stage name. . . . . .David Yavril, pleased to meet you again, Jonathan Marrow." He reached out his big hand to the curly-haired man who grabbed her timidly. He wondered all along if it was possible that David had forgotten their first meeting. But this clearly did not seem to be the case, for there was a spark of suspicion in his gaze. The king's son was a little intimidated, but tried bravely to resist the big eyes. An outsider would think he was attending a staring contest. Somehow there was a spark between the two.

A clearing broke the close eye contact. "I don't want to seem rude, but shouldn't we slowly return to our sleeping place? Tom inquired cautiously. In a moment, the two became awake again. "Right, ... we'll be on our way immediately," David remarked, but still didn't let the man in front of him out of his sight. Jonathan swallowed heavily. Did the taller one suspect anything? What if he knew who he was from the beginning? Had he acted too suspiciously? If he had already found out his true identity, why did he leave it at that stoic look and not ask more questions?

Slightly confused, John shook his head. This was all a bit too much for him. So much of what other people were doing was incomprehensible to him and kept his mind busy. But now he should make a decision. Did he want to join the three and move with them? What else would await him, except the loneliness in the woods.

"You are welcome to join us", the magician finally said when he noticed how John fought with himself. He smiled friendly and finally the smaller one nodded shyly. "Hmm... beautiful ...", he murmured somewhat incomprehensibly and felt a warmth in his heart. I guess he just needed company after all.

Thx for reading🐱

Lg Tsuna-saw-ada

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