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The king's son, or former heir to the throne, had been with the Zauber troupe for quite some time. Tamora was pleased that Jonathan, her and Tom had apparently been forgiven and took over the household duties for the four of them. The mood in the newly formed group was good, even if David and John hadn't told each other much about each other. There was something of a tacit agreement between the two of them, they were content with what they learned and never questioned anything. The twins found this relationship strange. On the one hand, they spent hours by the fireplace, with funny stories and horror stories that gave you the impression that they had known each other for ages. On the other hand, Jonathan's true origin was still a mystery.

The young man with the dark brown curls of course also took part in David's magic shows, which was very much appreciated by everyone.

One evening, when David lit a campfire to warm the food, he told them the latest story for his performances, which he had thought up. Everyone listened intently and turned their full attention to the magician. At the end there was applause and appreciative words from John: "Not bad, my Lord, but her bored expression could cause inattention in the audience," he noted. "And perhaps we could add a little more tension here and there ..." he carefully raised his eyes and waited for the blond man's reaction. A deep, "Hmm," was all and a frown. More stories from the twins followed until it was finally Jonathan's turn. He hesitated, but then began quietly and bumpy: "You know... there was once a royal family. The strict, fearsome father, his beautiful, delicately built queen and three well-bred sons, very lively and very different. They ruled the people justly and protected their kingdom prudently and wisely. But one day the head of the kingdom set out on a long journey and handed over the leadership to the eldest son. "A difficult time began, for the people and the..." He faltered and looked at the twins. Tam and Tom, of course, knew whose story it was, but David remained the only ignorant one. "Wait a minute... "Wait a minute, does that mean the king is dead?" understandable, this question had to come. "No... of course not," he reassured the taller one beside him. "He meant what he said about the journey, and he has a mother... ...the Queen, as well. The Mother of Three, I mean."

His cheeks were glowing, he almost gave himself away. As usual, David's gaze was unreadable. The half-closed eyes and the lips that were raised in small dimples on the left and right did not give the slightest hint that he had understood and thus recognized the former king. So John continued without waiting long: "As I said, it was not an easy time and then an injustice happened and nothing was as it should be. ...

The eldest of the three was guilty of a crime he did not commit." Tamora made a startled sound and put her hand over her mouth. David's face suddenly changed. "What... what kind of crime?" he asked with interest and remained hanging on the lips of the narrator. "The youngest was desperate and upset because Theodore, the second oldest, spared no means to seize power." The magician's question remained unanswered. "Bravo!" cried Tam enthusiastically to bridge the unpleasant pause that was developing. She clapped her hands and smiled shyly. "Jonathan's tales are so exciting." Even though Tamora already knew every detail, she found the way he told them compelling. The emotions the man conveyed through his gestures and the way he raised and lowered his voice were astonishingly beautiful. Tom also began to applaud and nodded his approval. All eyes were on Jonathan expectantly as they were disturbed by a loud crackling in the bushes. Instinctively, they all turned in the direction the sound had come from. At first you couldn't see anything in the darkness, but then something or someone moved.

Well, already an idea, who/what that could be?^^ 

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