13. Alexander

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When he discovered, or rather learned from the guards, that his little protégé was no longer in the castle either, he fell more and more into depression. But he wanted to prove to himself that he too could get something going. After all, he was no longer sixteen. He should be ashamed of not having accompanied the boy. So the worry about Henry caught up with him, which is why he finally left the castle as well.

For many days he roamed the country, looking for a clue that might give him a clue to the location of one of the two. He was worried and inquired in the nearer cities about his friends. But nobody knew anything. In one village, however, just as he was crossing the marketplace, he heard an indignant female voice cry out from a side street: "Hey! Help! You cheeky thief! ... Stop him! ...arrest him!" Alexander saw a small figure running away. He wanted to hold him as he scurried past him, but the little one broke free and sparkled wildly at Alex. "Let me go... Henry?' shouted the surprised friend, flabbergasted and with a wince of the person concerned, his suspicion was confirmed. Alex immediately followed the heels of the king's son. Once again he would not let the young gentleman get away. But the young man did not intend to stop.

In short, Alex XD

I would be very happy about feedback^^

Lg Tsuna-saw-ada

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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