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I sat by the bed where I'd put the drunk. The thoughts circled once again only around Jonathan. I wondered how he was feeling right now. My eyes fell on Alex. It must be hard to lose a friend. ... Since John was gone, everything had changed. Some of the servants had been fired by Theodore, my going out been monitored, as the last meeting with Jonathan had apparently not gone unobserved. So they were controlling me, what could I do? What would my eldest brother have done in this situation? I had sworn before him to find a way, but from the present situation it was not so easy. More and more guards were posted and there was almost no way to get in contact with Jonathan as long as we were stuck in here. I sighed heavily. Maybe Alex was right and we should forget him... The scene of the staggeringly loyal friend who gave in to alcohol forced itself into my memory. I didn't want to end up like that. ... No, there was no way I would give up.

Suddenly the door was opened and a raging Theodore stuck his head in the room. "Henry! Come with me at once!" Only now did he notice Alex asleep. "Oh, the fool's got too much desire for that wank... brother." he laughed venomously. He pulled himself together because of me, but I had already "learned" all the curse words. A nobleman should watch his language, shouldn't he? "He needs me here!" I returned harshly. "What did you want to tell me?" Theodore gave me a wave of his hand to go outside. When he felt me hesitate, he added sternly, "Get the fuck off your ass! It won't take long."

So we stood outside the door and my annoyed look made my brother snort in annoyance: " Listen Henry, I've had to take measures to make sure you don't get away again. "From now on, you'll always have an escort. Just for your safety, of course." Hardly taking a word seriously, I asked him the question that had been on the tip of my tongue for so long. "Why? What did Jonathan do to you? Why do you fight him with such means?" He faltered for a moment and his gaze grew even darker. "This... ...bad. He was always so light-hearted, but those are not leadership skills. As the oldest, he... ...he used to tease me and mock us." There was bitterness and anger in his voice. "You were and are the smallest, so you never felt it so bad. But Jonathan kept laughing at me, I was nothing in his eyes. But now the tables have turned. The great John has finally fallen from his throne." Theodore laughed out loud: "Yes, and it was his own fault! He loved him! A man!"

I gasped for breath: "That's not true! ... You are lying!" I exclaimed in indignation, stepped back into the room with Alexander and slammed the door behind me. Now he wanted to have me watched at every turn and told such tall tales about our brother. It could not go on like this under any circumstances.

The 7th part, the first Henry related, he is something like my favorite character. The thing with the swear words, which were already in use at that time, I don't see that serious. Back then, love for another man was actually something that was punished. Well, you will see how the situation develops XD

Thank you for reading, a comment or vote would encourage me a lot and show me that I am not doing this for nothing...

Yours Tsuna-Saw-ada

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