Jonathan 3

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I had followed the stranger into the town. Slowly I got a rough idea of his "job" and what he was up to. I imagined it would be much more difficult to cross the city gates. I only had to brush my hair into my face and was let in without closer inspection. While the magician stopped at a free place, I joined a small market holder.

"Well? What will you have? Would you like to try my newest sausages? They're the best in town!" it came from the overweight salesman behind the stand. I thought it over and helped myself. You can't say no to a free sample.

The show began and as I thought it would be, it was "magic".

Again I snorted, because I realized with my own eyes that this was a fraud. If I wasn't in this shitty situation, I would probably intervene, but my hands were tied here. Should the city just let him rob them....

Interested, I turned my attention to the deep voice that was just sounding, with which he introduced himself as "David the great Yavildore". After a short break, in which the audience dislocated their heads after a good view, the great magician took the reins of his white horse in his hand and led the "Unicorn" across the square. It wasn't even a real mythical creature, but the eyes of the people still sparkled at the sight of the beautiful animal. David the Great began to tell a story about a sorcerer's apprentice and his journey to a far-off realm. This boy had to pass an exam to be allowed to serve his master. The many dangers on his way were decorated with little tricks by the skillful hands of the magician. He created little clouds of smoke, here and there a flame came out of a quiver and two ravens rose and made their rounds over the crowd. The little white mouse climbed on the horse's back, stood up and acted as if he was waving to everyone. One thing you had to give this man credit for, he knew how to handle the animals. They followed his silent commands with devotion. Even if it was only a show, it was good, very good.

But then something happened. Magnus, the "Unicorn" shook his mane vigorously and the horn fell down. From the audience  could be heard astonished cries. "Oh, dear! Is it bad luck if a unicorn lose his horn?" The tumult was great and the horror was written on the children's faces. David tried, amazingly calm and with his quiet deep voice, to get the matter under control again. "All is well, ladies and gentlemen. Don't panic, this happens once a year and it's a special privilege to witness such a moment."

Probably nothing would have happened if the sausage seller had not stood up and interfered in the events. With a quick-tempered face and stomping steps he approached the magician. "All fake! The horse has no bare patch on its head," he shouted, stepped even closer and picked up the horn before David could take it aside. "This is far too easy! Probably made of wood..., near Mr. Magician? ...or should I say, "Fraudulent?!" His loud voice echoed all over the place. He pointed his finger at the blond and an indignant snort went through the round. "He's right!" the first shouts were heard. "Cheater! Cheater!" The crowd began to boil.

For whatever reason, perhaps it was because I had recently lost my duties as future king, something stirred within me. The urge to intervene.

I was King ( English Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें