The Dinner - Part I - Treaties & Warfare

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This is Kevin.....


Staring at the closed door in front of him, Bjorne found himself anxious to see for himself that his little girl was well and happy. And also training as hard as ever.

No one would know he was anxious by looking at him though. Two decades of being President of the Valhalla MC gave him the ability to be entirely emotionless on the outside while controlling his internal thoughts... and struggles with an iron grip. And he was keeping plenty to himself. Things that could potentially damage his relationship with his daughter.

It wasn't just about Iris anymore either, no, now he had to factor in her twin, Sang too. Iris had sent him several pictures of her and Sang together. Helvete!(Hell!) He hadn't been prepared for the fierce protective instinct that BOTH girls raised in him. Bjorne had been glad for the three weeks to gain some perspective on how those photos had effected him. Whether she liked it or not, Sang was going to find she had a new father figure now. One that would push her just as hard as he did Iris. One that had already started his own search for those dumt jävla (stupid fucking) Blackbourne boys who'd left her pregnant with their kids and broken her trust and heart.

He wasn't the only one either. He was very aware that Dr. Phil Roberts had a strong paternal instinct toward Sang. He wondered if Iris now also effected him like Sang had impacted Bjorne. It was something he would be watching for this evening.

And of course he knew the Toma boys would be sniffing around his girls. They had no idea who they were fucking dealing with. He and his club brothers would not hesitate to put them in their place if necessary. He side eyed the Russian. The tall, heavily muscled man was the only one he truly wanted to vet. The others, while ghosts, were easier for Bjorne to profile and get a feel for what sort of men they were. He just couldn't get a grip at all on Ravenstahl, aside from his involvement in the Academy, and that did not sit well with him at all. If the man planned to become important to Iris and Sang, and Bjorne was sure as shit Raven was planning exactly that, they would need to have a serious discussion soon. But carefully. Bjorne was well aware Iris wouldn't take kindly to him 'interfering' in her private affairs... yea, fuck that. He'd be protecting his daughter until he was dead so she'll have to deal with it. Sang too.

The door swung open to reveal the last Toma team member, Marc Weiland. Beyond him, Bjorne could see a massive open plan area. The stone and terracotta kitchen was in the centre of the room, the counter space acting as the boundary rather than a wall barrier making it possible to see right through the apartment.

To the front of the kitchen was a luxurious seating area including two large sofas, two loveseats and two reclining chairs area facing the entrance. As he passed into the apartment, Bjorne could see an 80 plus inch television mounted to the wall beside the door he'd just come through.

To the front right side there were bookcases, a large partners desk with extra chairs scattered about and a couple of chaise lounges for reading in comfort. Bjorne wondered which of the Tomas liked to read besides Sang because he knew damn well the only material Iris read for fun were car manuals!

To the front left was another massive wall mounted television and eight gamers chairs. There was a wall storage area which he could see had every gaming console imaginable, stores of games and accessories for a gamers paradise. Eight chairs... huh. Looks like the twins had been indulging in game time as well. Either that or the boys were giving them the option to join in their recreation time. Something else to observe then, Bjorne thought to himself.

To the back left of the kitchen, there was a twelve seating dining table, set for dinner. Actually set properly with good quality crockery, silver and glassware. And yet the table setting wasn't over board as the crockery and glassware was not china and crystal but sturdy, appropriate for the people gathered. Clearly, Sang was aware of proper etiquette from some part of her past and was making an effort for some reason or someone or someones... Interesting.

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