Boardroom Drama & A Surprise Gender Reveal

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Sang & Iris.....


Phil Roberts stood in front of the mirror in his office checking over his appearance while discussing the game plan for this morning's Academy board meeting with Mak.

Phil had not let the Toma team, including the twins, know but as Mak was the designated key trainer for the Ghost team and the Ghost team was a key topic on today's BoD meeting agenda, he had been invited to attend the full board meeting. Phil and the other directors wanted Mak to walk through the training program he had devised. Mak's explanation was critical as the training would be quite a bit different from what the Academy has previously employed for their general induction and would even eclipse special ops training for other clandestine assignments.

Mak had expected a rejection of his presence for the full meeting and a request that he only attend the Ghost team discussion. But no alteration had been submitted for Mak to sit out the rest of the meeting. This seemed suspicious to Mak and he had a strong inclination that Phil hadn't just been gathering support for the expulsion of Andrews from the Academy board but had also been priming the board to invite him to join as a Community Trustee.

Community Trustees were usually a requirement for charities and the Academy was registered as a charity. Mak wasn't sure what Andrews' background was, but it was again usual for the chairman be pooled from the Community Trustees on the BoD for charities. Mak suspected his management and finance skills from controlling the Valhalla MC made him their ideal candidate for a Community Trustee.

Phil was wearing an expensive tailored suit that emphasised both his professionalism as a distinguished Doctor and his role of President of the Board. Mak, of course, was dressed in his usual jeans, leathers and cut declaring his membership and role of President in a very different organisation.

'There are eleven discussion points on the agenda today. You won't be joining in on the dry points, namely review of assignments, administrative activities, the capital spend and budget versus performance points which will take us up to the ninth topic on the agenda. Topic nine is where we will discuss the HR issues. The HR Director will bring up the removal of the Blackbourne boys from the Academy as it has been three months since they went AWOL.

I want to see if Andrews will block their removal from the Academy's team role call and confess to his assigning them outside the chain of command. I'm expecting him to disclose their assignment as I think he has multiple reasons for both assigning them and getting them away from other influences. Reasons we may not have uncovered yet. I'm sure he'll have some excuse lined up for operating in isolation. Whatever it is, we're prepared to rebut.'

Mak inclined his head in response to encourage Phil to continue without giving his personal opinion on Phil's thoughts. Mak rarely spoke during his discussions with Dr. Roberts unless he needed to get a specific point across or wanted specific information, he preferred to watch Roberts' thinking unfold in front of him as it exposed the man's character better than any profiling could.

'If Andrews tries to either avoid admitting to the nature of the assignment he's put the Blackbourne team on or tries to stonewall and refuse to divulge any information on the assignment, the HR Director will present the evidence we have unmasking Andrews as the liaison behind the assignment - a breach of Academy policy and procedure when it is clear that assignments and team selections are required to be cleared by a BoD vote.' Phil laughed drily, 'After discussions with Everly, I've come to realise our HR Director has a fine burning hatred for Andrews due to his misogyny. If Andrews does admit to redeploying the Blackbourne team and in any way exposes his discriminating attitude, Everly is ready to eviscerate our chairman.' Phil straightened his tie and sighed, God he hated these types of boardroom politics.

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