The Septuplets Arrive

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Credit for the above photo to the McCaughey's - born 1997, the first known septuplets to all survive!

Complete fortunate coincidence that the genders are what I wanted for my story too!

Give me, give me, give me your comments and feedback 😉

When Axel rang Dr. Phil and Mak to postpone their night out and explained the reason why, the elders were both ecstatic knowing the septs were on their way. Doc had to remind Sang that as she was to have a Caesarean birth there was no need to wait for the contractions to get closer together, with her waters broken she should head straight to the hospital so they could prep her for the operation.

So less than an hour later, Sang found herself sitting on the bed in her birthing suite listening to Phil and Dr Sam walk her team through the C Section process while a nurse was poking her hand with a needle to insert her cannula to keep her hydrated, drugged up and if necessary get blood in her should she experience excessive blood loss during the operation. Corey and Marc were eyeing up the needle entering her hand with slightly green faces and grimaces. Sang was amused at their queasiness. The little darlings had better prepare themselves, things were about to get much messier than this!

Technically the doctor's spiel was for her, but Sang knew exactly what was about to happen so she was much more interested in keeping watch over the faces of her family in case they became over stressed about what she would go through to birth the septs, particularly Iris. As anticipated, her sister was unsuccessfully trying to hide that she was panicking. To be fair, she was fooling the distracted men so far but she couldn't mask her distress from her twin. Sang's heart pinched in sadness at her sister's fear of losing her in child birth.

The white noise from the doctor's explanation came to an abrupt end as Sang realised her doctors and family were no longer speaking but looking at her for an answer to a question she hadn't been paying attention to. The nurse, a pretty Latino lady of 25 who went by the name Lina, a friendly colleague of Sang's, was turned away tidying the medical refuge, shoulders shaking in laughter that Phil or Sam thought for a second Sang would have been listening to explanations of a process she was proficient at giving to patients herself.

'Did you catch all of that, sweetheart?' Phil repeated his question dryly raising his eyebrows at her making her realise that he at least was aware she'd zoned out of the medical talk,

'Sure I understand the Caesarian procedure, I'll be aware but a bit out of it. Only two are permitted to be with me in the OR (operating room). You and Dr Sam will be opening me up to get the babies out and there will be a specialist surgeon on stand by in case there are any unexpected problems requiring two sets of hands. There will also be two multiples newborn baby specialists in the OR for when the septs are pulled from my womb to give them the Apgar test and provide any other care the babies may require. Did I miss anything?' Phil grumped at Sang's dead pan expression,

'No that about covers it,'

Sang noticed Iris beginning to hyperventilate quietly in her shadowed corner,

'Can you all give Iris and me a minute alone, please?' Sang asked innocently. The request brought Iris' unusual behaviour to Mak's attention but Sang's request cleared the room, himself included, as the crowd leaving caught him in its momentum. His look to Sang said, I'm not happy about this and we'll be talking about it later. Sang also caught the self recrimination on Mak's face at himself for not realising Iris was acting out of character before he was herded out the door. One problem at a time she sighed internally before focusing on her twin whose face reflected her atypical vulnerability and fear now that she didn't need to pretend otherwise.

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