Rising Suspicions

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22nd, Month of Aries

The purple dragon slowly opened his eyes to be greeted with a bright light. A new day has dawned upon Warfang.

Spyro attempted to rise up, but something locked him in place. It was Cynder, essentially glued to him. Spyro looked down.
'Never thought I'd see somebody be so clingy to me. Not her at least.'
He got out of her grip, careful not to wake her. Spyro walked away from her and towards the city, once again remaining quiet.

As Spyro began walking, Sparx followed behind him.
"Hey man, what're you doing up early? Quite unlike you." he asked him. Spyro rolled his eyes.
"If you must know, I kinda need to be away from Cynder for a moment."
Sparx stopped moving. "Wait, what've you two done to each other?"
"Nothing. I can't let her see what I'm doing this morning."
A sudden expression of realisation came over Sparx. "Oh, that. I was kinda worried that you had some fight or argument."
Sparx nodded. "Speakin' of which, should I check that it's still there?" he asked.
Spyro nodded. "Sure, it should still be there."

The dragonfly dashed off towards the city. Spyro laughed to himself.
'Cynder and I in an argument? I could only imagine that.'

Sparx returned a minute later, signifying to Spyro "yes." This was a green light, so Spyro made his way to the market in Warfang, a very specific store awaited him.

Meanwhile, at the Waterfall

Cynder began to open up her eyes, adjusting her sight to the sunlight. She moved her hand slightly, and realised that Spyro was already awake. But upon looking around her, he was nowhere to be seen.

The dragon shot up onto her feet, sporadically looking around. Upon setting her eyes upon Relic, Cynder sprinted over.
"Have you seen Spyro anywhere?" she asked rapidly.
Relic turned her way. "Uhh, not yet. Why?"
"I've gotta find him. He's gone."
"Gone? He was here last night, he should be close by. Stop panicking."

Cynder rushed away, towards the city, only to stop by Sparx.
"Oh morning Cynder. In a hurry?" he asked.
"Kinda. You know where Spyro is?"
"Yeah I do, but he'll be back soon anyway. Just stick around here."
Cynder sighed in relief.
'Thank the Gods he's okay.' she thought to herself.

Back in the City

Spyro reached the market within moments, and took his time to admire the architecture. The builders had recreated the shape and atmosphere of the city flawlessly, like nothing ever happened.

He soon got to the store he was looking for. Unfortunately, the tender was nowhere around. But Spyro simply took what he was looking for, whilst leaving a note and payment behind the counter. He then slowly made his way back.

Upon arriving, Spyro could hear somebody. It sounded like panic, so he quickened his pace, only to find Cynder looking around rapidly. She set eyes upon him, and immediately calmed down.
"Thank God, you're alright."
Spyro seemed confused. "What are you talking about? I've been gone for about... 5 minutes."

Relic walked up behind Cynder, after hearing the conversation. "You had supposedly vanished into thin air, and your girlfriend over here had a mental catastrophe."
Cynder sighed. "I was wondering where you were."
"Well, I only went to the city, but I couldn't have you near me at the time." Spyro said.
Pearl turned around. "Couldn't be near her? You got some sort of virus or something?"
"*sigh* No... Cynder? I'll talk about it over here." He walked to his right, away from the other girls.

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