Backstory: Loyalty Personified

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Note: This entire chapter is dedicated to the backstory of one specific character. Nothing else will be written here.

Sky Realm, 10 years ago
Ouranos' POV

My family raised me in the clouds of the Sky Realm. Because of their royal position, I was the prince of the place. Growing up with such a role made me quite a determined and positive dragon, despite not being 'royal' in the slightest.
At least my parents didn't expect me to raise my little claw when having a drink.

I grew up beside a few lesser dragons my age, and by 'lesser' I mean not royal beings of the Realm. It didn't matter though, I was fairly nice to most people I met, unless they proved otherwise.

When I was about 13 years old, I remember a blue and silver dragon landing on our island, named Rhonan. He seemed passive, so we let him stick around. We grew closer to each other, becoming great friends, hanging around all the time at my parents' castle. However, every now and again he seemed off. The day that I asked him about it is a day I'll never forget.

From then on, I swore to keep him by my side and assist him when needed. I would be there for him til the day I died.
A few examples of this would be during the schooling sessions in the Sky Temple.
Other students in the training don't tend to be that bad in terms of behaviour and such, bruh when Rhonan was here, it was like they'd set up a mine field for him every time he arrived.

It started with the odd pushing and name calling. This went completely over his head, and he practically ignored their existence as a whole. That's a good thing in this situation.
What wasn't good was when dragons began to specifically target him.
You better believe I stood up for him, more times than I've stood up for myself.
But then the elements got involved. I won't go into detail how that one ended.
Let's just say that we never went back there afterwards.

God, training was so fun when it was only us two. We'd practice all day, but the amount of moving around and flips we'd do on average... it felt like a gymnastics class. I'd never let it go though, it's where some of our best moments originated.
However, it's also where my next unforgettable memory comes from.

One time, we were carrying out hand-to-hand combat training. Jumping around like maniacs, swinging like there's no tomorrow: accidents were bound to happen. Luckily, it mostly consisted of a little trip or somebody falling over. Nothing too bad.
But our most recent spar ended horribly, with Rhonan getting surgery in his neck.
He had a stabiliser put into his neck to help his breathing, and also to help patch the massive cut there.

I should be lucky that he's alive. Hell, I should be grateful that he still talks to me.
He's never left my side since we met. He almost felt like a brother to me, hence why I'd always help him out.
My life wouldn't be the same without Rhonan by my side, even though his injury was entirely my fault.

When we started getting the hang of combat, mysterious dragons began flying around the place, scouting out and flying away right after. One time the dragon actually attacked us. So, purely out of self defence, Rhonan and I let the fire burn. We beat that dragon to the ground, and it fled shortly after.
But it kept coming back, fleeing, coming back. It was just an endless cycle of battling the exact same dragon, with the exact same outcome.

Our life was fairly 'stable' for a while after that. But once Spyro and his friends came along, things got real brutal, real fast.
And that's how I met Rhonan, and why we're always by each other.


Little bit shorter than the others, mostly because Ouranos' background is much more 'simple' than, let's say Pearl (nah bad example).

Anyway, it's been ya boi,

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