Journey's Beginning

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(Ignore the music above for now)

23rd, Month of Aries

Defacing the winds, six dragons zipped through the skies like bullets. The group were headed South to retrieve the 'Soul of the Void,' an ancient guardian's relic.

With the assistance of Cynder and Ouranos' wind manipulation, flying took no effort. They could simply spread their wings and glide, without ever descending. It allowed them to relax, and focus more on each other than flying.

During the flight, Cynder noticed that Pearl was giving her a kind of look every now and again. Wave eventually flew over slowly to Cynder.

"So, Cynder, could I ask you something?" Wave asked her quietly, so the others wouldn't hear.
Cynder nodded, twirling in the air whilst doing so.
"Is there a... thing between you and Spyro?"
Cynder's expression suddenly turned uneasy. "Well, you see... there's a problem there..."
"Aww, there is something! How long for?"
"No, really. You're missing the issue here, Pearl."
"There aren't any, no need to hide it from me."

Cynder sighed heavily. She hated it when others tried playing 'Love Doctor' with her, mostly because everything they assume is either a complete lie or utterly ridiculous.
She looked back at Wave. "I can promise you, there is nothing between him and I that you are assuming."
"Okay, whatever you say..." she smirked before turning away.

Just as Wave began floating towards the other dragons, Spyro quickly flew by Cynder.
"They don't know, do they?" He asked.
"No, and It'll be best if they don't." Cynder replied, slightly murmuring her words.

As their trip continued, the speed that they were traveling picked up immensely, going from around 50m/s to over 100. The dragons (with the exception of Ouranos and Rhonan) began to swerve left and right, up and down.
"Why are we travelling so fast now? Can we slow it down a bit?" asked Spyro, now beginning to lose control.
The wind's pace slowed.

"Have you never flown this fast?" Rhonan replied.
Spyro straightened himself. "Definitely not. And judging by Cynder's face, she hasn't either." Ouranos looked at her, her face showing slight panic and relief simultaneously.
"Yeah...if we could not, that'd be great." said Ruby from the back.

Some time later

The sun began to set once again, dipping below the flooded horizon. The dragons had been travelling for hours now.

Ouranos spotted a small isle below them, and began to descend.
"We'll rest down here before going further."

As everybody touched down, Spyro checked that all of them were still with him. Upon confirmation, he settled down on the long grass.
"It's been a lengthy trip, I'll grab us something so we can eat." Wave said, before walking closer to the water.
Rhonan seemed confused. "Catching fish, I assume?" She nodded.
"Okay, how are you gonna do that?" Cynder asks her.
"I have my methods."

The water dragoness sits by the shore of the island, starting to call out and chant in a singing-like tone of voice. She never spoke words, just with angelic sounds. Her pitch frequently changed, her voice fluctuating beautifully.
Cynder turned to Spyro. "What is she doing?"
"Not sure, but it sounds amazing." he replied quietly.

Wave continued her lonely choir, until interrupting herself. She rapidly dipped her head down into the water, furiously grabbing whatever creature was there and shaking it virulently. The dragons all stood back upon seeing Wave throw a lifeless shark onto the ground.
She ran her hand across her mouth, ridding of any evidence of blood.

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