The Eternal Eclipse

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Unknown Castle, 25th of Aries

Sat at the end of a large room of the castle was the dark dragon Erebus. He observed as his servants trotted around, forging all kinds of different weapons and armour, from steel to titanium.
The light from the fires (used to create the equipment) was shining onto his black scales, and his dull golden eyes reflected the flaming orange light.
His four horns were all bent in a Z shape, them and his underside were coloured dark grey.

"Brother, status report." a dragon behind him asked demandingly.
Erebus stood stationary. "Metal processing is all done. The weapons themselves are being shaped as we speak."
"Excellent. And the numbers?"
"Nearing 200."

The brother behind Erebus grinned. "It's merely been a day. By tomorrow, they will be ready."
"Our ultimate revenge is near. But the question is... " Erebus turns around. "When?"
The brother remained silent for a moment. "Well, deal with the pests beforehand. Then, we strike!"
He cackled sinisterly before leaving the blacksmith hall.

Erebus remained in his place, watching the work in front of him. An evil smile grew on his face as rage filled his body.
'You will be avenged, Father.'

Amun's Desert, Dawn

After a lengthy journey, Spyro descended onto land alongside his kin. The desert landscape that they came across was unnaturally flat, cacti placed individually from others.
The floor was warm to the touch, blazed by the Sun's radiation, and transformed to a sandstone harder than lead.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Cynder asked.
Spyro turned his head. "Not sure, but there's gotta be something here."
The land stretched far beyond their vision, further doubting Spyro's claim.
"We better not be here long." Relic said from the back.

As the group travelled slightly further East, a large mountain came into their sight. It almost seemed like the spike of it had teeth. Spyro seemed to recognise this landmark.
"Wait, no, we're here?" He said aloud to himself.
Relic raised her head. "Are we?"
"No, look ahead." he replied.
Relic stopped in her tracks. "The... Well of Souls?"

The dragons began to fly towards it, in hopes to find the Soul of the Void inside. After all, it was the home of many ancient artifacts.

They entered through the top. The area remained fairly dark, despite the Sun being out.
Upon entering, a sudden sense of Dèjá Vu came over both Spyro and Cynder.
"This place reminds of such a dark time, doesn't it Cynder?" Spyro asked her, as she trailed in behind him.
She looked around cautiously. "It does."

Green flames around them lit up, lightening the Well slightly, revealing a dark figure on the crumbled throne to their left.
"Well, well, you've arrived just in time." Erebus stated, remaining in his place.
"Where's the Void Soul?" Cynder shouted.
Erebus held a hand out. "You mean this?"

The relic appeared in his grasp, as if from nowhere. He held it mockingly in front of him.
"Exactly that, now hand it over!" Rhonan demanded.
"I wouldn't just give it to you, now would I? If you want the Soul of the Void..." He placed it on the throne, then jumped off of it. "... come and get it."

Erebus prepared a battle stance, ready to pounce at his enemies. There was little movement for a brief moment, until Spyro raised his wings and flew towards Erebus at high speed.
He sidestepped, grabbing Spyro's right wing and throwing him the opposite direction.
He laughed upon doing so. "Bring it!"

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