Truths, Lies, Reunions

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(I recommend listening to the music above whilst reading)

The Hollow Isle

The clouds began to form once again, darkening the sky. The dragons softly landed on the grass; the colour seemed drained, remaining as a dull green. On the surface of the island, a large mossy rock stood, with a big hole dug into it. It seemed like a passageway heading downwards.

Spyro examined it, without stepping in, before talking to the others.
"Looks like a cave going down, though there's not much light." he reported to Cynder.
"This must be the place, right? A small island south with an unnatural cave." Ouranos stated.
They all filed into the cave one-by-one, and headed down; the cave widening as they descended.

The walls to their sides consisted of decaying vines, weak points and dents. The two walls stood no more than 6 metres apart. The roof looked unstable, several thin columns supporting it, once again only about 3 metres high. The ground was partly jagged, dented and vulnerable looking.

Just walking through such a confined and rotting area began to unease Spyro as he passed through: Several long, cramped corridors, where he could only catch a glimpse of his friends due to the columns.

"I can't be the only one who feels a little uncomfortable right now... can I?" asked Relic, half cowering as she took each step.
"No, not just you." Cynder replied. "I have the constant feeling that something will fall on my head, or I'll fall through the floor."
Rhonan began to slow down his pace, before eventually stopping, looking around. "We should turn back."
"Why?" Spyro said, confused.
"Something is here." He responded, becoming more unsettled the longer he stood idle.
"Yeah, the Void Soul. That's why we're here." Ouranos replied.

Minutes pass before anything was found. A set of steel doors sat at the end of the caves, with light behind it. The doors had a dragon shape carved into it.
"Alright, let's see what's behind here." Spyro said to his friends.

Spyro pushed the doors open, and unveiled a large open room, with rich sturdy bricks acting as a floor, ceiling and walls. Above them was a balcony overlooking the room, being the length of the front wall. Orange flames lit the room to only a small extent.

The doors shut behind the heroes, and a dark figure walks into the hall from the balcony. Alongside him, being dragged on the floor, was a black dragon with light blue glowing parts. The glowing dragon was thrown to the balcony edge.

"Well then, Korbyn, anything else?" the figure yelled, grabbing hold of his victim's neck. The poor dragon remained silent. "Very well. Say goodnight."
The dark dragon whipped his tail across the weak one's neck, slicing it off entirely.
Spyro and his friends watched in pure horror.

The dark dragon picked up the head of his victim, as it began to decay in his grip, leaving only the skull in his hands.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that Spyro... quite unpleasant I will admit." it said casually, staring at the dry and bloody bones. Ouranos turned in disgust.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Cynder shouted to him aggressively.
He turned their direction. "Oh, nothing much compared to you three years ago..."
Cynder stared coldly at him, before lowering her head.

The dragon chuckled sinisterly. "As for Spyro... I suppose you didn't follow your callings, your destiny, nothing."
"My destiny is none of your concern, is it?" he replied, clear anger Rising within him.
"Oh it is. In fact, my father fulfilled his role as the purple dragon, unlike you..."

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