Who Are You?

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Dark Castle

"You couldn't kill him!?" boomed an evil voice from the main hall.
"Conquest is no fun without a challenge, is it now?" replied Cynder, her face still half detached.
Xavier pounded the ground in frustration. "Challenge is not the point here. I gave you simple instructions, and you failed." His voice grew more infuriated by the second.
No replies came after that. "Stay near the castle entrance: You are to await Spyro's arrival."
"Yes Master Xavier." said Rhonan.

Erebus walked through the labyrinth that was his castle, approaching the door at the very end of the halls. Upon opening it and stepping inside, he bowed down.
"The armies are ready, Master." he said.
Xavier turned to see his servant. "Very good. Release a portion of them in Spyro's direction. We must prepare for the Cleansing."
Erebus nodded, leaving the room in a hurry.

"Finally, it is all coming full cycle. Soon enough, this miserable planet can begone, and we will bring forth a new age of darkness. Xavier will reward me handsomely, and I'll create our empire to thrive over all others. And Spyro will get to witness it all..."
The pure sinister intentions were clearly visible on Erebus' face, grinning evilly as he headed towards the barracks.

"Soldiers of the Night! The time has finally come!" Xavier shouted to his army. "You will emit fear into this world, cause more chaos than Armageddon itself, and kill everything that dares defy me! Now GO!"
The monstrosities flew and charged out of the castle, travelling the many miles towards civilisation, willing to destroy it all.
"Now that the beasts have been unleashed..." Xavier started, his tone growing darker. "It's only a matter of time before the Cleansing. However, we need a sacrifice..."
Erebus laughs. "Perhaps Spyro or his pityful friends. It's not like we need them anymore."
"Very well. Wait for his arrival, trap him, and feed his soul to the demon itself." Xavier walked slowly towards the Great Hall. "I'm counting on you."

Above the Ocean

Spyro, Relic and their newfound friend were flying South over the waters, in search of Erebus.
Spyro had a burning rage in his eyes, dead set on killing the monster that took everything from him.

It wasn't long until a colossal castle came into view. Multiple dragons stood guard outside, these dragons seeming familiar to Spyro.
"This is the place. Come on." Spyro said.
The dragons landed just in front of the entrance. Despite still being their corrupted selves, his friends didn't attack them. Instead, they let them in, keeping a close eye on them at all times.

Upon walking in, the fires of the torches lit up one-by-one, revealing the menace himself.
"Well, well, well... we finally meet Spyro." The dragon stood strong above him.
"Who are you, and what have to done?" Korbin shouted from behind Spyro.
Xavier looked him dead in the eyes. "I did not ask you... if you must know, I have everything I need to end this miserable world. And since I have everything, I no longer need these little tools..."
The corrupted dragons' eyes emitted white light. "Do you mind disposing of them?"

They circled around the three pure dragons, Relic cowering behind Spyro. Their deadly claws and fangs were on display.
"Give me one good reason why we should let you live..." Rhonan hissed, spreading his four wings.
"You're the one thing that we're fighting for, guys. You four!" Spyro said in reply.
Pearl laughed. "You don't know me..." Pearl's eye light faded slightly before returning. "Besides, we asked for a good reason!"

Relic opened her eyes, which glistened purple for a split second, and stopped shaking immediately. She slowly rose up.
"We're your family." she replied.
"I don't have a family!"
"You did have a family, Maya..." The dragoness' expression quickly changed from aggression to shock. Silence filled the room.
Pearl's face descended into the palm of her hand, her body transforming as a single tear escaped her eyes, and a small whimper was let out.
Relic placed her hand on Maya's shoulder. "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

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