Breakouts & Blackouts

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Before Dawn, 24th of Aries

Deep within an isolate mountain range, a fortress of rotting stone and bricks lay dormant. The worn metal doors shielded the innocent from the darkest, deceptive menaces in the Dragon Realms.

Held underground, inside the bleakest chamber, lied a darkened soul. It was corrupted to the core and desperate for freedom; something he wished he deserved. But the Dragon knew what he did, yet refused to stop his sinister quest.

The dragon sat calmly, locked in place by chains and trapped on the platform by barbed wires. His psychological arena was lit with several torches, their flames glowing purple. He was being overlooked by a larger, grey dragon.

Sounds of metal rattling and occasional cries of pain could be heard from the distance. This dragon never reacted to it; he was trapped with his own thoughts, and his thought only.

The captive sighed to himself, tapping his claws and drawing patterns in the rock below his feet.

"Alright, sir, best you make this quick. He's a dangerous one." One of the guards called from the other end of the cell. From behind the prisoner, a dragon his size walked in. The visitor approached him.

"You remained persistent for so long, brother. Your determination and thirst for vengeance make you a worthy warrior. And yet you failed." said the visitor.
The captive raised his head. "What brings you here?" The dragon began circling the immobilised one.
"My wish was to remind you of what you claim to be, and compare it to what you have become. You said that the prophecies meant nothing. You say that you will amount to more than that purple scoundrel..." He looked the prisoner dead in the eye. "Look at you now..."

"I was never told of his capabilities. Neither were you."
"That's not the problem. The problem is that he barely touched you, it was his pitiful friend who nearly ended you. And for the dense walking crystal that she is, it makes you look simple. Incapable. Worthless..." The prisoner's anger rose up with every word. "Weak."

"I'd break them in two, if only I was able to. You know very well I would." the dark one replied in deep frustration.
The visitor smiled. "Well, how about I get you out? Give you the second chance that you need?"
"Time's over, sir. Be careful when you get out." the guard shouted from the door.
The visitor took his leave, but signalling to the prisoner 'the chains.'

Upon hearing the entrance to the fortress close as it echoed, the prisoner rustled the chain holding down his back legs. He raised his pike-like tail and began to pick lock it. A click was heard, and the dragon sighed in anger.

From the watchtower, the guard signalled towards another guard to aim. The second guard pulled out his longbow and readied a single arrow.

The Dragon continued attempting to pick lock the other chains, one by one, but the clicking announced his failures. He sighed again, this time throwing down his tail and looking down at the floor.

The watching guard nodded to the other, and the arrow began flying towards the prisoner. As the whistle from the arrow faded from the shooter's ears, the captive reached out a hand and caught the arrow by it's wooden centre.
Putting the arrow in front of his face and examining it, he felt rage and hate building inside of him.
He turned his attention to the paths, filled with pressure plates and spikes.
'Guess I'm taking the long way up.'

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