Backstory: A Dull Jewel

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Note: This entire chapter is dedicated to the backstory of one specific character. Nothing else will be written here.

Psychic Realm, 3 weeks ago
Relic's POV

As a child growing up in a royal environment, unlike most younger dragons there, I was always very curious and playful. I would explore all of the time and act almost rebellious to my parents. I was loyal, yet slightly agonising to keep under control.
I was the odd one out in my Realm, as all the others just accepted the life that they had planned out for them.

My life was fairly peaceful, until our land was infiltrated by the Dark Master's armies. My father did everything in his power to halt them, but to no avail. After fighting hundreds, if not, thousands of soldiers, my father decided to retreat.

My mother flew off with me in her arms to the edge of the Realm. Here, I heard her voice for the final time.
"Go forth, live the life you deserve."
"No, I don't want to go!"
"I'm sorry, my dear. But you can't stay. Now go!"
I remember running towards the portal the she had opened, but as I turned around, the Dark Master himself stood before my mother. She tried to run, but she couldn't.

The last thing I saw in the Psychic Realm was my mother's head roll towards me as I jumped into the portal.

As I entered, I began dropping from the sky at high speed. I never knew how or why, but as I descended, hard rock formed around my body and encased me in itself. I remember pounding the ground, my entire body felt numb and weak; I could barely move.

Moments later, the rock shattered around me, revealing the Sun to me once again. I was in an unfamiliar land, filled with other dragons both large and small. They didn't seem too out of the ordinary, besides not being made out of solid crystals.
A dominant green and brown dragon stood over me as my rocky shield broke, clearly concerned. He guided me to a Temple, and introduced me to three others: Volteer, Cyril and Comet. That green dragon was called Terrador.

Volteer claimed that I was a special dragon, unlike others they'd seen, so they swore to protect me. Terrador also taught me the art of Earth and hand-to-hand combat, since I could barely defend myself. It was a first for me, being trained. But I was getting the hang of it fairly quick, for their standards that is.

But every night I went to sleep, something would awaken within me: Sadness. The only thoughts that took over my mind at night were of my parents; what Malefor did to my mother. She was so dear to me.
I would essentially cry myself to sleep most nights, flooded with these negative thoughts. But any night that I didn't cry, I'd get something even worse.

Being the age of 15, seeing such hellspawns that we're Malefor's minions did quite a number on me. Those things haunted me every second I had my eyes closed. But they'd paralyse me in my sleep. I wouldn't be able to move or even properly breathe. I felt like I was suffocating, and these demons would run and roar at me.
Little did I know that it was all an illusion.

Only one thing could settle my mind: the two purple dragons Spyro and Cynder.
I had only heard stories and legends about them, and all I knew was that they protected Warfang, so I was in good hands. In time, the Dark Master was defeated, and I finally felt safe in my new home.

But I'll never forget what he did to me, my parents and everybody else in my home realm. That is a fire that I cannot extinguish.

It was only about a week ago where my life took a major turning point. I was asked to go and assist Spyro and Cynder. They were sucked into these mysterious portals opening up in the Dragon Realms, and I had to go through them. It was in the 'Nature Realm' where I found them.
You know the rest from then on.


This backstory was quite interesting to write, as I kept referring to Elements Collide whilst making it.

Anyway, it's been ya boi,

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