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This final installation acts entirely as a showcase of what could've been included, or anything that I scrapped!

Section A: Other Endings

"Hero" Ending:
If you trusted Ignitus' words, then Erebus and Xavier would have been eliminated, and the darkness of the world vanquished. However, the world functions only with balance between light and dark.
We all must sleep. We all must rest.
Vanquishing the dark would lead to an unresting fatigue throughout the lands, draining the very energy from all living creatures.

Whilst all the flowers bloom, all the different species of the world would soon fall.

"Villain" Ending:
If you trusted Erebus, Spyro would've turned to his side.
The other dragons would've battled Spyro, only to fail and perish at his hand, all except Cynder.
Spyro would help Xavier bring forth the Cleansing, leaving Cynder as an outcast.

"Epiphany" Ending:
Spyro doesn't trust anybody. Not even himself.
Spyro would've believed that he has no destiny, no real purpose in life, other than to be born and then die.
Xavier takes advantage of this, leading to Spyro's death. The villains then succeed in their plans.

The Ending that you received is the TRUE ending. It is the chronological outcome.

Section B: Scrapped / Changed Ideas

I would've included these in the book, but weren't included / changed due to several reasons.

1) Spyro and Relic would've been traveling to find Erebus, only to be ambushed by a horde of monsters.
One in particular would've poisoned Spyro lethally. Relic would then have to find a cure for him.
This was how Korbin would have been originally introduced, but then korbinservergundam and I collaborated, changing the scenario a LOT.

2) When the Eternal Eclipse began, Spyro would've originally heard a strange sound through the mist: A siren's song.
In this scenario, Pearl would've lured Spyro in to kill him, but I scrapped this due to it not making too much sense.

3) Xavier wasn't actually going to exist until I finished Chapter 1. Erebus would've been the mastermind behind it all in the first place.
The book got its name because of this sudden change, only to then be changed again.

4) This book's initial name was going to be The Eternal Eclipse.

5) The 'ending' part to this story was thought of last minute, just before "Who Are You?" was being written. The idea of multiple endings was actually inspired by "Shadow the Hedgehog" the game.

6) Rhonan wasn't originally going to HAVE a backstory. I intended to keep it mysterious, yet this changed for reasons I actually can't remember.

Section C: How the book was made

Upon writing both Elements Collide and Legend Fading, I only had the first two or three chapters planned out. I had no ideas of anything past that.
Yes, half of these books were entirely improvised.

The existence of Pearl, Relic, Ouranos and Rhonan: Last minute introductions.
The true ending: Created without planning.
Legend Fading book as a whole: Completely unplanned.

I guess what I should be saying is... sometimes a plan isn't needed. Sometimes winging it is the best option!


Thank you so much for reading this, it's been fun creating this content for you.
And thanks to all those that helped tailor the story in some way!
I hope to see you all again very soon!

...Even if we must continue without our purple hero...

Many thanks,

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