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Okay, so from a house to a gun range this seems absolutely normal.

All of this seems normal.

I mean why not? I enter my house to see a bunch of teenage boys, holding weapons, most likely to kill someone also most likely to be me, and someone just got shot.

"Aren't you going to check on them?", I question noticing that Noah basically rolled his eyes after hearing that.

He rolls his eyes once more before letting out a grunt and yelling.

"Which one of you imbeciles was that!?"

"It was Aiden! No one got injured he was 'testing to see if the safety was on'" another voice yelled back.

Sarcasm is clear as day.

And of course, I'm stuck with psychopaths.

Who randomly fires a gun, to check if the safety is on?

Why did my prison ward parents decide to build a house in such a reserved area?

If I was in a more populated area I'm sure the neighbors would call the cops, but no, to prove that they are of high standard they buy a whole estate.

It's possible that Noah and his murder buddies belong to some gang that wants to kill my step-father.

Who knows what that asshole is up to nowadays.

He rubs his temple, rolling his eyes. "Excuse me a moment, don't run away," he says after a pause. He walks out of the kitchen and a few 'ow's and shut Up's are said.

He returns standing in front of me, which is really irritating because he's way taller than me. I look the other to avoid eye contact, cause if I look up he'll probably feel superior.

He sighs for the millionth time today and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Okay so, where was I? Yeah, did you really think that it was the best option, to leave after I told you exactly what could happen to you, and to top it off, you took a gun", he says, honestly he looks quite agitated but he couldn't really be that mad.

"Okay uh, first of all, I couldn't stay in your house, no offense, but you seem like a psychopath, and there were guns in your house that freaked me out a lot, and yeah, I knew what could happen I'm not stupid, you guys are probably in some sort of gang or something, hence that being the reason why I took the gun" I finish off, taking in a breath of air.

He chuckles a little before asking, "Do you even know how to use a gun?"

I roll my eyes at that and look away.

I'm guessing he took that as a no, cause he just grinned a little then went back to his serious face.

"Okay, you pretty much know everything there is, so get comfy here because we are staying here for a while".

I nod before doing a double-take.

"What!?? Yeah, not happening, get your highly, no offense, stupid friends out of my house before I call the cops, come to think of it I should have done that a while back" I say, or yell, muttering the last part to myself.

Honestly, why didn't I do that a while back, these people seem really dangerous and I think I much prefer to live.

And I'm not sure I can handle any more of this drama, that seems hell-bent on following me around.

So if I call the cops I'm pretty sure they could be arrested for breaking and entering. This isn't a movie or something where the hero and girl end up together, I could die.

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