ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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I sat up quickly, a wide grin resting on my face.

"049! Wake up!!" 049 let out a muffled soft groan and opened his eyes. He saw that I was practically on top of him and felt a blush dust his cheeks.

"Come on! Get up! It's time to meet the others!" I chirped happily. I squeaked when I felt soft lips on mine quickly. He sat up, despite my weight being on him, making me fall back. From the tired look in his eyes I could tell he was out of it. He held me to the mattress and kissed me passionately for a few seconds. I smiled and hugged him. When we pulled away, I jumped off of him, earning a grunt from him. I landed on the floor and spun around happily. The plague doctor rubbed his eyes and got up. He stretched and I surprised him by hugging him from behind.

"Com'on!" I repeated. 049 let out a very aggravated sigh, but continued on.

"We could not have done this later in the day?" I shook my head vigorously and nearly yanked him to the floor, but instead stumbled back. The movement caused my head to hurt fast, and I held it to soothe the aching pain. 049 quickly placed his hand on my head. I felt the cool sensation and it relaxed me.

"Are you positive you'd like to meet the others today?" I nodded and laid my head on his hand more, enjoying the cool feeling. 049 hid a smile and pulled away after five minutes. My head stopped hurting and I grinned happily like a child.

"If you insist, then let's go." I jumped up and down and followed the doctor out of the room. We passed many doors and finally we came to a room that was titled 'SCP-173'. I grinned and saw the door open, revealing the yellowish SCP.

"Hello!" I greeted. 173 gave a small wave.

"Do not be nervous around my patient, 173. She will not harm you."

"I'm sorry for hurting you." 173 shyly spoke. I smiled.

"That's alright. I was not myself that day...I am sorry for almost hurting you." 173 smiled and 049 smiled at the two of us. After talking to 173, who soon showed that he is a very bubbly character, 049 and I went to meet 096.

"He is very shy, and does not enjoy when others stare at his face." The plague doctor warned me. I gently knocked on the chamber door, opening it slowly to see a dark and very cold room.

"D-Don't look at me..." I gave a sympathetic smile and faced the back of the pale creature as he sat on the floor facing away from 049 and I.

"Hey... do you remember me? I was the girl that passed out." I saw the pale SCP turn a little to see me and he gave me a kind smile.

"H-How are you doing...?" I smiled wider at his reply.

"I'm doing better, thank you for asking!" I said. 096 let a small smile and turned to face me completely.

"I'll let you two be alone, is that okay, 1527?" 049 questioned. I bit my lip and grabbed the plague doctor's hand, bringing him closer to me.

"Actually...I would like it if you stayed with me." 049 nodded briefly and came close to my side. 096 tilted his head.

"You both are...dating?" He was afraid to ask.

049 and I exchanged looks and both blushed.

"We suppose." I answered.

After meeting 096, we moved on to the last SCP. The next one is 1471. I skipped in front of 049 and he chuckled at my excitement.

"Hello..." I heard a voice break my excited jumps and saw the SCP we were looking for. "I knew you'd come and see me. How are you holding up after that...incident?" The chilling voice scared me, especially since 1471 wasn't fully visible. He (he? She? I think it's a he...? But also google images says otherwise?) was covered by a thick blanket of shadow.

"Hi! I'm 1527!" 049 grabbed my hand and we entered the mysterious chamber containing the SCP.

"I know,.." I bit my lip as the awkwardness began.

"We wanted to meet some SCPs, well, she did, at least." 1471 stepped out of the shadows and revealed a dog-like skull head and fur. I smiled and had to hold myself to not go and pet the new SCP.

"I do not like new SCPs in my chambers, 049, and I think you know of this?"

049 tried to give a small smile.

"Be nice. This is her first time here, and she just wants to be welcoming of others that are new to her."

1471 gave a scoff and sat down.

"Be quick."

"I...I think we better go." I pulled 049's hand and he nodded.

We left the moody SCP and walked back to our chamber without being noticed by any guards.

"What was his deal?" I asked in an upset tone.

"He doesn't enjoy others being in his territory," I nodded and sat on the clean bed. By this point, I'm surprised they haven't added a second bed.

"Let's play a game." 049 spoke suddenly. I turned my head curiously.

"What kind of game?"

I tensed when the doctor grabbed my hands and pointed them to the floor.

"Target practice, for your acidic powers."

"Okay...let's begin."


877 words

SCP-049 x SCP!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now