Your worthiness will never be decided by any relationship

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Listen, no matter how broken you feel, I promise with time, you are going to heal.

And part of that process includes healing your relationship with yourself. You need to start giving yourself the love you've been looking for from others. You need to see that failed relationships are caused by several things: lack of compatibility, timing, different goals. The failed relationship does not mean that you are a failure or that you aren't worth love. It never means that. It just means you weren't meant for love at that time with that particular person.

Moving forward, I hope that you don't ever let a failed relationship define who you think you are. Because you are so much more than that. I hope that you never let a failed relationship keep you from putting your heart back out there someday. I hope that you never, even for a second, utter the words "no one is ever going to want me" or "I'm never going to be enough for someone", because those phrases could not be further from the truth.

And as you find healing, I hope you find growth and clarity. Because nothing about finding love or finding yourself is easy. Growth can be painful. It challenges the demons in your head trying to convince you that you're not worth it. But, it is also brave and liberating. So keep going.

Keep going. Be the love that you need right now. Own your flaws before you let them own you. Embrace that you are enough, single or taken. Take steps to love the person that you're becoming. Because you are worth loving in every phase of your life. And, it's about time that you experienced the healing powers of accepting who you are.

Know that your worthiness will never be decided by any relationship other than the one you have with yourself.

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