My look at love

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When I was younger, I used to think that love meant bouquet of red roses and golden chains around your neck with both of your initials.

Growing up, my definition of love started to take a different turn when I saw the way my grandpa treated my seventy year old grandma. He spent hours torn between the right tie color to wear then surprised her by painting his old Toyata blue, the color of her eyes. He even took her to that little restaurant at the corner of the street where they first met. When he came back, I asked him how his day went and he smiled when he told me, "She took my remaining breath away."

I realised love isn't always all about buying red roses but more about choosing a sunflower because you know it's their favourite flower. It's pouring your effort into that relationship so that it grows and remains with the same heavenly glory of the very first encounter...

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