The Apartment

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Still Lucy POV: The small girl with short blue hair and the man with Iron piercings on his face walked up to Mira and I. "Well it's official welcome to Fairy Tail Lucy, my name is Levy and this is Gajeel. We're happy to have you here with us. It's been quite some time since we've had a new girl to the guild." "Yeah can't believe Salamander is the one who brought this little blondie here too, he's usually always trying to fight anybody outside of our guild the first time he speaks to them." Levy gave Gajeel a 'SHUT UP' look and he just smirked until Levy slapped his chest playfully. "Don't mind Gajeel he's just a bit of an Ironhead, anyways it's nice to meet you Lu, if you ever want to hangout or anything I'm usually in the library." Lu? Does everybody just make nicknames right off the bat here? Honestly though it makes me happy with everyone being so nice here. I was so nervous to come to this guild, I've heard stories of how close everybody is and I was worried I might not fit in. "It's nice to meet the both of you too, and I love to read so I'll definitely have to come check out the guilds library. Its funny I wouldn't have probably even made it here without Natsu, I almost tripped into the river and he saved me and helped me get here." Gajeel gave a surprised look and Mirajane turned a shade of red with a giant blush on her face. "Aww natsu is never like that with anybody, but maybe there's something different about you." I looked at all three of them confused just as Natsu came up to us with a plate of food in his hand. "Hey I heard you guys talking about me Ironhead. I don't try to fight EVERYBODY who I first meet, just the ones with meat or should I say Iron for brains like yours. " "You're one to talk flamebrain" Gajeel replied. "Now now boys, Gajeel lets go home, i'm tired. Bye Lucy see you tomorrow!" Gajeel grunted and then he and Levy walked away. I bowed my head to Mira, "I'm going to go check out this apartment, thanks for everything Mira you've been a big help." I waved goodbye to the Erza and Master Makarov who were standing on the balcony as I headed towards the guild doors. Off to my new apartment I go. I started walking down the street hoping I would recognize the apartment. Magnolia isn't too big I should be able to find it in a jiffy. I started to get lost in my thoughts, playing with the necklace around my neck. I found this necklace right after my dad died and I had to flee my home while traveling. I had come across a traveling merchant and stopped to see if they had any celestial keys. Usually you can find celestial keys in the most random of places. I picked up a necklace with a rose gold key with a dragon with red eyes latched onto the key and was instantly mesmerized. The pendant made me feel as if something woke inside of me and told me not to be afraid of this journey and the future to come. After all, the dark guilds wouldn't stop until they found me and that was a scary feeling to have on your shoulders. The merchant had told me that there was a story behind this necklace. It's supposed to protect the person who wore it and could completely cloak their existence from danger. Unfortunately it never worked for anyone and people had always come back and returned it. She insisted that I take the necklace and said it was meant for me. I wasn't too sure what she meant by that. She wanted to give it to me for free but I insisted on at least giving her 20 Jewel. Ever since I've worn this necklace not one dark guild has come after me, so maybe it's like my good luck charm or something after all. I realized I was walking and not even paying attention to where I was, I'd probably been walking for a good 20 minutes now. Oh man why do I do these things, I'm totally lost again I should have asked someone at the guild for directions. "Ugh Lucy why do you always put yourself in these predicaments!!" Natsu POV: "Happy I heard Lucy's voice, it was faint but I think I can smell her too. I think we should go find her and help her. Knowing her she's definitely lost again." "Aye sir! Let's go!" Happy picked me up and we flew into Lucy's direction. I don't know what it is about her but something just urges me to want to help her. It's like an instinct that I have to protect her. The moment I first saw her, it was like I was drawn to her. "Oi happy, there she is down below." Happy let me go and I dropped down next to Lucy. "Hey Luce, you know ya could have said bye to the person who saved your ass earlier today." "Ahh!! Natsu you scared the hell out of me! Can't you warn a girl next time before literally falling out of the sky! How did you even find me anyways?" She looked mad, but I could tell there was a hint of relief in her eyes, yep she was definitely lost. "I heard you, and well I sorta smelled ya." "You smelled me? What does that even mean?" "Well i'm a dragon slayer, and all dragon slayers senses are way better than normal humans." Lucy looked at me with a puzzled look, "Wow i've never actually met a real dragon slayer before. I've heard of one though. Some guy named Salamander, I've heard he can breathe fire and even eat fire. I also heard hes super destructive and big and strong and really handsome. I actually heard he was in Fairy Tail but I think that was just a rumor." 'Jeez am I really that destructive? Do people really say I'm handsome?? I am big and strong though hehehe.' I was about to tell Lucy that I was the salamander she was talking about but just then we found her new place. We saw this big old lady locking up the doors when Lucy ran up to her. Lucy POV: "This is the place on the flier! We made it just in time! Excuse me ma'am hello excuse me!" The old lady turned around, "Yeah what do you want?" "I'd like to rent this apartment if its still available!" "70,000 Jewel up front and 50,000 Jewel every first friday of the month. If you can do that the place is yours." I went into my bag and pulled out a little sack I carried my jewel in and handed her 70,000. I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. I needed a place to call my own even if i'm all alone now. "It's a deal, I can do that! Thank you so much Ms.Landlady!" She took the money from me and counted every last jewel and then handed me the keys. " "My name is Lucy Heartfilia. Thank you so much I promise i'll be the best tenant ever!" We shook hands and as she started to talk away she yelled, "and by the way, if your more than 2 days late on rent your evicted and i'll sell all your stuff got it?!" I unlocked the doors to my new apartment, "Got it! C'mon guys lets go check it out!" We walked up the stairs and opened my new apartment door. The kitchen and living room were small but it was just me here so it was cozy. There was a couch and a sofa chair in the middle of the living room with a square table in front of it. There was a little round table in the kitchen dining room area and a balcony style window. I walked towards the window and you could see all of magnolia. I finally walked into my new room, natsu and happy already made themselves at home sprawling out on the couch. I didn't mind them being here though, I'm not sure what it is about Natsu but being around him gave me a sense of safety that I haven't felt in a long time. I set my bag down on the nightstand next to my bed. I don't even remember the last time I slept in a bed. I shut my eyes and thought about everything thats happened up until this point. I finally somewhat at peace, and all because this pink haired weirdo helped me out. Maybe he isn't so weird after all. "Lushie!! I'm hungry me and Natsu want to go get something to eat, do you want to come with us!" My stomach instantly growled, I almost forgot I haven't eaten in two days. I could definitely go for some food right now. "Yeah lets eat! My treat, for helping me out today and all I owe you guys. Let me just shower first and we can go, no wonder you could smell me I feel like I smell like a pig." Natsu POV: "You don't smell like a pig, well maybe a little but-" All of a sudden a pillow smacked me in the face. "HEY JERK JUST BECAUSE I SAID IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN." "Oww gosh Luce I was just messin' with ya, now hurry up lets go!" She shut her room down and I laid there looking at happy who was taking a cat nap on the chair. I heard the shower running and Lucy singing softly. Her voice was melodic. It was like sweet music to my ears and I couldn't get enough. She was horribly out of tune but it was beautiful. About 20 minutes later she came out of her room, dressed in white shorts with a pink top that showed off all of her curves. Wait what am I thinking? I don't think about things like that. She smelled of strawberry and vanilla and I felt the need to be closer to her. I craved her. What the hell is wrong with me? I stood up fast and headed for the door. "Well okay then let's go, I know this great BBQ place near here."

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