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Hey guyss! I hope your enjoying this story! I feel like this chapter was a bit rushed? Idk, i'd really love your guys feedback so far! Anyways here we go !

Lucy POV: The next two hours everyone spent drinking and dancing the night away. I had gotten pretty tired as most of the guilds had left or past out on the guild floor with the rest of the members of Fairy Tail. I walked around the guild hall for a bit looking for Natsu to let him know I'm going home when I saw happy sitting with Wendy and Carla. "Hey guys, do you know where Natsu is? I think i'm going to head out now." "I haven't seen him in awhile now that you mention it but i'm sure he's around here somewhere." Wendy said. "Well if you see him will you let him know I went home, i've had one too many drinks and I'm exhausted. I'll see you guys tomorrow." "Wait but Lushie your not suppose to leave without him!" Happy called as I waved and walked out the guild doors. "I'll be fine." It was a bit cold walking but I don't live too far from the guild.

I felt a strange presence behind me like someone was following me. I picked up the pace a bit until I knew for sure someone was following me. I turned around quickly, "Hey you know its rude to go around following women at night!" The man continued walking towards me until I realized who it was. It was Sting. I rolled my eyes. "What the hell do you want?" I asked impatiently. "God Heartfilia such an attitude, I just wanted to talk without that flame brain around, is that so bad?" I shook my head. "Yeah actually it is. Why are you here? To give me an apology? If so, save it." He was now standing in front of me. "Heartfilia i'm sorry. We had to leave, even if it meant leaving you behind. It isn't like you mattered that much anyways. What we had was puppy love." Those words cut like a knife. 'Puppy love? I may be over it but I definitely thought it was more than that.' "Well good to know how much you cared when I loved you. K thanks now you can go." I turned and continued walking until out of nowhere I was pinned against a tree nearby. Sting held my arms above my head and rested his chin on my shoulder whispering in my ear, "Just because it was puppy love then doesn't mean we can't rekindle some old feelings now." He slid his hand up my leg and began to kiss at my neck. I fought to push him off of me as he continued down my neck to my chest. I attempted to knee him where the sun don't shine. "YOU BITCH!" Obviously my attempt didn't do much as he grabbed my throat with one hand holding my hands above my head still with the other. "You think you can get away from me that easily?" I started to lose consciousness as he gripped my throat tighter. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I look up to see Happy and an Angry Natsu flying down to us. Natsu dropped down from Happys grasp and punched Sting in the face knocking him out cold. I slid to the ground, putting my hands on my throat feeling the oncoming bruising, coughing as I tried to catch my breath. Natsu and Happy stood infront of me now. "Lushie are you okay!?" Happy asked concerningly. I started to tear up, "I-i'm fine, I just want to go home." "Lucy did he do anything to you? I'll kill him right now!" Natsu said with a fire of anger in his eyes. "He was just messing with me, i'll be okay. Can we just go..?" I began to stand up when Natsu picked me up bridal style and began walking. "I told you not to leave Lucy." Natsu said sternly. "I know, i'm sorry. I was tired and I didn't know where you were. I didn't think anything bad would happen especially something like that!" I looked up at him who was staring off into the distant. We were silent the rest of the way til we got to my apartment. Natsu me down and I now stood infront of me. "I'm sorry Natsu, I didn't mean to scare you." "Don't be sorry. The only person whos gonna be sorry is that son of a bitch Sting." All of a sudden natsu pulled me into a deep embrace holding me tight. I wanted to question what he was doing but I decided to enjoy this moment after all that had just happened. We broke our embrace, "Natsu will you stay here with me tonight?" He nodded his head reluctantly. "Lushie like we weren't going to stay here already!" Happy chimed in. "Shut up cat!" He snickered back. I finally felt at ease. We walked up to my front door when suddenly a bright light appeared before us. 

"Tch tch tch Heartfilia, just in time you sneaky girl. We found you." I shuddered at that voice and turned around. It was Jackal and Ezel two of the Demons of Tartaros.  ''Who the hell are you?!" Natsu yelled at them balls of flames already in hand. I tried to run but my body stood still. "I-I can't move." Natsu was already throwing jabs back and forth with the Shark-like man Ezel. Jackal appeared behind me and I somehow turned my head to look at him. "You know it took quite some time to find you, you'll have to be punished for that." Jackal said as he caressed my cheek with his hand cutting into my skin with his inhuman claws. "Seliah, open the portal." A women with large horns on her head wearing a purple kimono appeared before me. "Come girl." The woman known as Seliah chanted a few words as a portal opened infront of us. I didn't understand why I couldn't move, I just wanted to run but my body was moving closer and closer towards the portal. "Natsu! I can't stop myself from walking!" "Lucy hold on!" I watched as Natsu punched Ezel and became to run towards me. "I don't think so dragon boy, sit." I watched as Natsu followed Seliah's words. Jackal threw me over his shoulder stepping into the portal. I looked back towards Natsu who was pushing against every will in his body to stay put. He broke free and headed towards me, I reached my hand out almost able to touch his when everything went black.

Natsu POV: "Lucy damnit no!!" I watched as the portal closed infront of me. She was gone. "How did I let this happen...?" I dropped down to my knees punching the ground until my knuckles bled. "Natsu we need to go tell the guild so we can get back Lushie! Get up!" Happy scolded. 'I'll do anything to get her back, I promise Lucy when I get you back, i'll never let you leave my side again.' I brought myself back to my feet, "Let's go Happy." He picked me up and we headed back to the guild. 

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