The Party pt 2

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Lucy POV:  "Hey Luchan", Levy said as her, Gajeel and Patherlily Gajeels exceed cat came up to us. "Hey Levy-chan hows it going?" "Good, I want to introduce you to some of the other guilds. Come with me!" I agreed and locked arms with Levy and turned to walk away when I felt someone gently grab my arm. "Lucy wait. Do not leave this building at all. Okay?" Natsu looked more serious then i've ever seen him before. "So you barely talk to me in two weeks and now your demanding things of me? Don't worry I won't. I promise" I held my pinky out and pinky promised him and laughed. I tried to let go but he held on to me a moment longer and then nodded with his famous toothy grin. I grabbed a shot from someone walking by and slammed it then grabbed a glass of top shelf alcohol from the bar. I need something to calm my nerves, that man is so irritating but i'll be damned if I couldn't admit how charming he looked with that smile of his. Levy grabbed my arm again and pulled, "Okay Luchan lets go!" "Wait a second Levy I wanna do something!" I went on the guild stage and asked the band to cut the music. I could see Gajeel and Mira in the corner of my eye already staring at eachother so hard there could have been a lightning bolt between the two of them plotting on who was gonna take the stage over when I was done. So much for a band right fairy tail. I laughed to myself and stood on the stage with a mic in my hands. I sipped my drink and looked to Natsu who was mid barrel drinking contest with the Master, Cana, and Gray. I focused on him and began to speak "U-um Hello everyone, my name is Lucy and I really wanna thank you guys for all coming. To everyone in Fairy Tail, you've taken me in and made me apart of the family when I had nothing. You've brought light into my life again so I just wanted to say thank you. I love you all so much!!" I held my glass up high, to toast to them. "To Fairy Tail!" I exclaimed. "To you Lucy!" The roar of the crowd said back to me. "I look forward to meeting you all during the rest of the night!" I smiled and bowed, giving the mic back to the band before Gajeel and Mirajane came storming on stage for it. I quickly got off the stage and made my way towards Levy at the bottom of the stairs. We walked away and as Levy introduced me to all kinds of different people. I met everyone, from Lyon and Chelia in Lamia scale to Kagura and Millanna in Mermaid Heel. It had been over an hour of meeting new people, until I turned and bumped into someone spilling my drink. "Excuse me i'm so sorry! " I bowed my head to the tall blonde haired man standing infront of me, with a black haired man with a scar across his nose at his side. "Well well, would you look at what we have here Rogue." The blonde man said. My head shot up as I heard the name Rogue leave the mans mouth. I felt a pit of rage inside of me. "Sting?" I looked him in the eyes. Sting laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Who knew the new fairy tail member was princess Heartfilia. I never would have guessed." "Sting Let me go now." I said pushing him back. I smiled and gave Rogue a hug only acknowledging his presence. "I've missed you so much I had always wondered what had become of you, thank you for coming! Rogue how have you been?" "We've been good, we've been in the Sabertooth guild every since we left that small town. We're allies with Fairy Tail so we thought we would make an appearance for the new member, we had no idea it would be you. I'm so glad to see your okay. We heard about Jude, i'm sorry for your loss." Rogue said with a bit of a saddened tone at the end. "Well thank you, I appreciate it and its so good to see you." I smiled at him. "What about me Lucy? You aren't glad to see me too?" Sting Snickered. "I could have lived the rest of my life never seeing you again Sting. Now if you'll excuse me. Thank you for coming. Rogue I hope too see you again soon." Levy was now back with Gajeel at the bar and I was alone with the two men. I turned to make my leave when I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and pull me close. "But wait Heartfilia, would you care for a dance? It'll be like old times." I scoffed, "Old times? Yeah right. Let go of me Sting." I tried to push him away and his grip became tighter. "Sting really leave her be." Rogue chimed in. "Why? We've come all this way to see her again, my beloved Lucy Hearfilia." I cringed at him saying my name with a tone that sent chills down my spine." By that time I had enough of this, "STING, LET ME GO RIGHT NOW DAMNIT!" He laughed and shoved me away. I tumbled back almost falling back when I felt a pair of strong arms catch me. I swear if one more person so much as touches me tonight i'm gonna lose my effing mind. I looked up to see it was Natsu and felt a sense of relief. "Do we have a problem here Sting?" Natsu looked at him with a fierce fire in his eyes. Sting laughed and held his hands behind his head like he was caught red handed. "There's no problem over here. Just saying hello to an old friend. My my, how much she's grown into a beautiful young woman. I remember when we were just teenagers and shared our first kiss, now she's all grown up in her own guild now." I wanted to strangle him right here and now. I was back on my feet now and was ready to walk away. "Again, thanks for coming." Sting and Rogue bowed their heads. "Remember Lucy, there won't always be someone there to save you." I shuttered at Stings words as I watched them walk away. "Oh yeah, well guess what Sting she'll always have ME and the rest of fairy tail." Natsu called to him as they walked away. I turned to Natsu as a tear slid down my cheer. "Hey Luce, don't cry. You'll ruin all that pretty makeup you got on. Tonight is about you, and if Sting gives you anymore shit i'll kick his ass okay? I promise." I nodded as Natsu wiped the tear from my face and held up his pinky finger to me like I did earlier that night. I nodded and took his pinky to complete our pact. 

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