The Party pt 3 - The rooftop

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 Lucy POV: 'I could really use another drink after that one.' Natsu and I went back to the bar where Gajeel, Levy, Erza, Jellal, Juvia and Gray sat. "Lu I'm so sorry I walked away! I didn't think anything like that would happen!" Levy said giving me a hug, Gajeel must have told them about what was going on with his super dragon hearing. I sighed a bit, "Its alright Levy really! Its just, Sting and Rogue come from the same town as I do. They didn't really have much family so they lived in the care of one of my fathers Head Knights. They were best friends and so were we. Then as we grew up Sting and I well.. We used to date basically. Til one day they just left without a word, I was heart broken. They were my best friends and Sting and I were together for a year, but that was when I was 15 and things are different now. I just can't believe he has the audacity to speak to me that way without even an apology or explanation." I looked at Natsu who looked irritated as he watched Sting from afar. Erza shook her head, "I see, well boys shall be boys and one thing forsure is that Sting is still a boy." "Aww Juvia-sama is sorry Love Rival, for someone to just up and leave you is heart breaking." Juvia hugged her. "Thanks guys, but i'm fine really. Lets just have a good night okay!" They all took their glasses and toasted to the night. Natsu POV: "Hey Lucy, do you wanna see something cool?" Lucy looked at me with a rosy red face smiling from ear to ear. "U-um yeah! Definitely!" I grabbed a bottle of wine I found sitting on the bar top and took her hand bringing her down a narrow hallway in the back of the guild. I led her up two sets of stairs down another hallway to a little area in the back of the guild that had a ladder leading to the ceiling. "Wow I never even knew this part of the guild existed before." Lucy said in a shocked tone. "Where are we going?" I looked back at her as I let go of her hand. "We're going up!" I began climbing up the ladder as I reached the roof pulled myself up. I turned back to watch a drunken Lucy climb up the ladder. "Natsu, I should not be climbing in this kind of dress and heels ya kn-" She started to say as she slipped back, I reached down and grabbed her arm pulling her up. We fell back and she fell right ontop of me. "Natsu!" She began laughing hysterically! "We could have died! What if we fell off the roof?!" "You really think falling from two stories would kill us? Especially with me around? C'mon Luce gimme a little more credit than that." She was still laughing a bit with a big smile on her face. "Okay your right, i'm sorry i'll get off you now." She stood up and sat herself beside me as I stayed laid back looking at the night sky. "So what did you want to show me?" She said laying back beside me. I pulled out the bottle of wine I took from the bar and popped the top off, taking a swig. "This is it. The stars are so bright tonight and this has always been my peaceful place to sit and think about whatever. Its my spot to be alone and always has been. I just thought maybe you'd like it." I felt my face get a bit hot and my heart race a bit. 'C'mon Natsu get it together okay!' "You come here to think? You?" I pouted my face and looked at her. She smiled and burrowed her deep brown eyes into mine. "I'm just kidding!" She said slapping my chest playfully taking the bottle of wine from my hands and taking a sip. "But really though, this is beautiful. It's so nice and quiet and peaceful. Thank you for showing me. Now I'll know where to find you when no one knows where you are." I chuckled, 'I guess it isn't my alone spot anymore, but I don't mind one bit.' "You know Natsu, thank you for everything. I honestly don't think I could have done all of this without you. And as far as that thing with Sting goes thank you for that too. I never thanked you for that, but here we go again with you saving me." I looked at her and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight. "No one ever touches MY luce, okay? Now quit sayin' your sorry and give me that bottle." Lucy blushed at me as she handed the bottle of wine back, our hands brushing I felt electricity through my whole body and you could tell she did too. We just stared at each other with longing in our eyes til she started to speak, "You gave me a sense of hope and safety that I've craved for so long. I just need to tell you.. That I-I- Nevermind actually. Thank you Natsu." "You what Lucy?" "Nothing, nevermind. Why have you barely talked to me the last two weeks? Did I do something?" I know that crazy Oracle had me shook but I didn't think you were too." I looked up to her as she was now standing on her feet staring down at me. "No no it wasn't anything like that. Gramps told me to watch you from afar the last two weeks in case anything happened after that whole oracle thing. I couldn't tell you." I brought myself to my feet. "I was always with you! I promise I was planning to tell you after that damned eclipse passed tomorrow night." She looked away from me, I felt bad but it was true. She pulled me into a hug and I was surprised. I wrapped my arms around her and for a moment nothing else in the world mattered. My whole world was right here in my arms and when this is all over i'm going to tell her. "Hey Natsu lets go back down to the party." I nodded and we headed back downstairs. 

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