The Oracle

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Lucy POV: "Hey Natsu? It is okay if we stop at a couple stores around here? I'll buy you guys a special snack on the way back. I saw a stand right at the end of town that had different types of fried and raw fish on a stick. I just want to look for an outfit for the party since I really don't have a lot of things right now." Natsu nodded his head and we went to venture through the different stores. We goofed off a bit trying on different silly outfits. We reached the last store that was a little boutique. "Here! I have a good feeling about this store." We walked into the little boutique where I found a beautiful short red and black dress with crossed straps to my neck and a v-cut at the chest and it fit in all the right places. I found some maroon suede laced up platform heels to match. This will be perfect. I smiled excitingly and paid for my items. We walked back and stopped and the little snack shack we had found when we reached the town. I bought us all some snacks and we continued to walk back. A little old lady walked passed us and out of nowhere turned and grabbed my hand so hard it hurt. "Hey you old hag, what the hell are you doing? Let go of my Luce right now!" 'My Luce?' Natsu's hands were already in flames and you could swear you could see smoke coming out of his ears. "Lucy Heartfilia." The little old lady board her eyes into me. 'How the hell does this lady know my name?' "You are in for the battle of your life soon. On the night of the eclipse they will come for you. The night hell will fall upon earth, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. Your savior may also bring you your demise, your betrowth may be your saving grace. Only you and the Dragon King will be able to end the Demon King Zeref. It is your fate." I felt myself shaking, "and how do you know all this? I won't let that happen, I'll die before they force me to open the gate! I'm so sick of fate trying to control my life. This is my life and I make my choices in it, I refuse to let anyone tell me different! And my fate is intertwined with someone I don't even know?! That's crazy!" The old lady then let go of my hand and turned to Natsu. "And you Natsu Dragneel son of the fire dragon king Igneel, your fate will be determined with the Dragon King and the Demon King. The choice may be yours in the time of destruction, all hopes that you will choose wisely." "What do you mean? I've never even heard of the a Dragon King or Demon King, I don't even know who they are and I don't really care. I'm Natsu Dragneel and I choose my own fate ya crazy old hag!" Natsu was now fuming with rage balls of flames inhand. The old lady then just disappeared like some sort of illusion. I just stood there blankly and began to cry. Natsu grabbed my hands softly as the fire began to extinguish. "Luce, I promise nothing is ever going to happen to you. We won't let it happen. We control our fate and if I have to be by your side forever to protect you from it then so be it. So don't worry, okay?" He smiled at me with a sincere look in his eyes. I was speechless but nodded my head knowing he meant every single word he had said. I felt so close to him, like our hearts has sunk together into a perfect unison at that moment. "Hey Lushie, I know this may sound kinda funny but there's something glowing on your necklace." As Natsu let go of my hands and the glow in the dragons gems for eyes started to fade back to its normal maroon color. "This necklace is what covers my magic from the trackers, it's never glown like this before.. How odd.. Natsu I think I know what I need to do. I need to find the Dragon King." "You don't need to do anything Lucy because everything is going to be fine. That old hag is delirious, nothing is going to happen to you!" "And if it does?! Then what?! I need to be prepared for this!" "We will be prepared for it, but not tonight. Tonight we're going to have a good night, forget all this weird fate nonsense and have a good time. I know I could use a few drinks after all of that. So c'mon let's go home already I heard Mira is making a big feast tonight and Erza will be a whole lot scarier then this whole fate BS." He looked at me with a reassuring smile that somehow keeps managing to bring me a sense of peace. I nodded my head in agreement and we started our way back.

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